Showing posts with label question-ans(6thclass-Honeysuckle). Show all posts
Showing posts with label question-ans(6thclass-Honeysuckle). Show all posts

6th class-cbse english (Honeysuckle) Chapter-10 (The banyan tree)

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) What did the cobra and the mongoose do, to show their readiness for the fight?
Ans1) The cobra raised half of its body off the ground, and spread his broad, spotted hood.The mongoose bushed his tail. The long hair on his back also stood up.

Q2) Who were the other two spectators? What did they do? (Did they watch, or did they join I the flight?)
Ans2) The other two spectators were a myna and a wild crow. Both joined in the flight.

Q3) What happened to the crow in the end?
Ans3) The crow could not turn back in the mid air. The cobra struck him with his hood. The crow died after sometime.

Q4) What did the myna do in the end?
Ans) The myna flew down and looked into the bushes. It seemed as if it congratulated the mongoose and flew away.

Some more questions for practice.

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) Why did the author think that the banyan tree belonged chiefly to him?

Q2) Why was the banyan tree so dear to the author?

Q3) Who became the first friend of the author?

Q4) What did the squirrel‘s friends think about him? Why?

Q5) Who emerged the winner in the fight? Who lost his life?

Q6) How did the author describe the banyan tree?

6th class-cbse english (Honeysuckle) Chapter-9 (Desert animals)

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) How do desert animals survive without water?
Ans1) The desert animals adopt different ways to survive without water. Camels get water they need from tree leaves and plants. They can live without water for 10 months.

Q2) How do mongooses kill Snakes?
Ans2) Mongooses can move very fast. They escape the strokes of the snakes. They trouble the snake until it is tired. Then they quickly attack the snake and kill it.

Q3) How does the hump of the camels help them to survive when there is not water?
Ans3) The hump of the camel is full of fat. The Fat serves as food for the camel. The hump becomes smaller when camel does not take food for long time.

Q4) Which are the commonly found animals in the desert?
Ans4) The commonly found animals in the desert are small insects, snakes, mongooses and camels.

Q5) How do certain animals survive the scorching heat in a desert?
Ans5) Certain animals survive the scorching heat in a desert by staying in cool underground burrows.

Some more questions for practice.

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) What do you know about the eating habits of snakes?

Q2) How can a camel live without water for many days?

6th class-cbse english (Honeysuckle) Chapter-8 (A Game of chance)

 Answer following questions in short.

Q1) Why do you think Rasheed’s uncle asked him not to buy anything in his absence?
Ans1) Rasheed’s uncle asked him not to buy anything in his absence because he thought that the shopkeepers could cheat him.

Q2) Why was the shop called ‘Lucky Shop’?
Ans2) The shop was called lucky Shop because one can try ones luck here.

Q3) An old man won a clock and sold it back to the shopkeeper. How much money did he make?
Ans3) The old man made Rs.15. He was very happy.

Q4) How many prizes did the boy win? What were they?
Ans4) The boy won four prizes in all. These were a comb, a fountain pen, a wrist watch and a table lamp.

Q5) Why was Rasheed upset?
Ans5) Rasheed   was upset because he had lost money at the lucky shop.

Q6) In What way did the shopkeeper make a fool of Rasheed?
Ans6) The shopkeeper played tricks to tempt Rasheed to try his luck. Every time Rasheed tried his luck, he got only some cheap thing which he sold back to the shopkeeper. In this way Rasheed lost all his money.

Some more questions for practice.

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) When was the fair held in Rasheed‘s village?

Q2) What kind of goods were sold at the fair?

Q3) How did the people react to see Rasheed’s bad luck?

6th class -cbse english(Honeysuckle) Chapter-7 (Fair play) (Prem Chand)

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) When Jumman’s aunt realized that she was not welcome in his house, What arrangement did she suggest?
Ans1) When Jumman’s aunt realized that she was not welcome in his house, she suggested giving her a monthly allowance.

Q2) What was the villagers reaction when aunt explained her case to them?
Ans2) Villagers had different reactions. Some villagers laughed at her. Some sympathized with her, while some advised her to make peace with Jumman.

Q3) Why was Jumman happy over Algu’s nomination as head Panch?
Ans3) Jumman was happy because Algu was his best friend.

Q4) “God lives in the heart of the panch,” the aunt said. What did she mean?
Ans4) She meant that a Panch must be just and impartial like God.

Q5) What was Algu‘s verdict as head Panch? How did Jumman take it?
Ans5) Algu verdict was that Jumman must either pay his aunt a monthly allowance or return her property. Jumman became Algu’s enemy.

Q6) Algu found himself in a tight spot. What was his problem?
Ans6) Sahu refused to pay the bullock’s price to Algu. Algu’s problem was that the bullock that he sold to sahu died before one month.

Q7) Why was Algu upset over Jumman’s nomaination as head Panch?
Ans7) Jumman considered Algu as his enemy. Algu thought that Jumman would now take his revenge on him.

Q9) What was Jumman’s verdict as head Panch? How did Algu take it?
Ans9) Jumman‘s verdict was that sahu mast pay the price of the bullock to Algu. Algu was overjoyed and exclaimed ‘Victory to the Panchayat’.

Some more questions for practice.

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) Why did the old aunt transfer her property to Jumman?

Q2) How did the friendship between Algu and Jumman break?

6th class-cbse english (Honeysuckle) Chapter-6 (Who I am)

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) What did Radha and her mother do in the tree?
Ans1) They killed to each other and ate raw mangoes.

Q2) How did Sarbjit control his anger?
Ans2) Sarbjit looked below at his shoes. Then he counted upto ten.

Q3) Why second Sunday of every month is the most favorite day for Peter?
Ans3)  On the second Sunday Peter go with his family members to see a movie and enjoyed a great deal there.

Q4) How can Dolma become a good Prime minister?
Ans4) Dolma would make everything better for everyone. He would arrange good hospitals, roads and schools. He would encourage scientists to make new inventions.

6th class -cbse english(Honeysuckle) Chapter-5 (Different kinds of school) (E. V. Lucas)

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) Who was the in charge of “A Different kinds of School?
Ans1) Miss Beam was the in charge of “A Different kinds of School.

Q2) Who were Millie, Peter and Anita in the lesson?
Ans) Millie was a tall girl. Peter was a gardener and Anita was a girl with curly red hair.

Q3) What subjects were taught at the School?
Ans3) Only Maths and language were taught at the School.

Q4) What did the children learn in the school?
Ans4) Children learnt spelling, adding, subtracting, multiplying and writing.

Q5) How was Miss Beam’s School different from others?
Ans5) Miss Beam‘s system of education was to teach thoughtfulness, kindness and being responsible citizens rather than just different subjects.

Q6) What was the very important theme of the education system of Miss Beam’s School?
Ans6) Each term in the school had one dumb day, one lame day, one deaf day, one injured day and one dumb day. It was to teach the children sharing in misfortune.

Q7)What was the system of education n Miss Beam’s school?
Ans7) Miss Beam’s school taught thoughtfulness and sharing to the students. It did not teach information and thoughts as is done in other schools.

6th class-cbse english (Honeysuckle) Chapter-4 (An Indian –American woman in Space: Kaplan chawla)

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) Where was kalpna Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian –American?
Ans1) Kalpana Chawla was born at karnal in Haryana. She is called an Indian -America because she was married to U.S flight instructor and became naturalized American citizen.
Q2) When and why did she go to the U.S? Who did she marry?
Ans2) She went to the U.S after doing her B.Sc in Aeronautical Engineering. She went there for a master’s degree. She married to flight instructor jean –Pierre Harrison.

Q3)  How did she become an astronaut.? What gave her the idea that she could be an astronaut?
Ans3) She was selected for training as an astronaut by NASA. After her successful training, she became an astronaut. The people around her encouraged her to fulfill her ambition.

Q4) What abilities an astronaut must have, according to the Journalist?
Ans4) According to the Journalist an astronaut must have a wide knowledge of all the subjects.

Q5) Describe Kalpna Chawla’s first mission in space.
Ans5) Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space took place in Space Shuttle Columbia. She went around the earth 252 times. It took 15 days , 16 hours and 34mintes. The crew performed 80 experienments and some tests. While returning, Columbia caught fire and all seven members were killed.

Q6) What does Kalpana Chawla say about pursuing a dream? Do you agree with her that success is possible?
Ans6) Kalpana Chawla says that dreams are always fulfilled and nothing is impossible. But one should have a strong will power. Yes, I agree with her that success is possible.

Some more questions for practice.

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) Who was Kalpana Chawla? How did she make every Indian proud?

Q2) What was Kalpana Chawla’s dream?

Q3) What did her father oppose?

Q4) What were the activities of the crew of Columbia during days in orbit?

6th class -cbse english(Honeysuckle) Chapter-3 (Taro’s Reward)

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) Why did Taro run in the direction of the stream?
Ans1) Taro was thirsty. Therefore he  ran in the direction of the stream.

Q2) How did Taro’s father show his happiness after drinking sake?
Ans2) Taro’s father showed his happiness by dancing in the middle of the floor.

Q3) Why did the waterfall give Taro Sake and others water?
Ans3) Taro was good and kind towards his parents and other people were selfish and greedy. Therefore waterfall gave Taro Sake and others water.

Q4) Why did the villagers want to drown Taro?
Ans4) The villages thought that Taro had tricked them. They found cold water instead of Sake. Therefore, they wanted to drown him.

Q5) Why did the emperor reward Taro?
Ans5) The emperor reward Taro to encourage the children to honour and obey their parents.

Some more questions for practice.

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) Who was Taro?

Q2) Why was Taro sad?

Q3) What did Taro’s father wish for?

Q4) How did the villagers come to know about the magic water?

Q5) How did Taro fulfill the wish of his old father?

 Q6) How was Taro rewarded by the emperor of Japan?

6th class-cbse english (Honeysuckle) Chapter-2 (How the dog found himself a master)

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) Why did the dog feel the need for a master?
Ans1 ) The dog felt the need for a master because he was tired of wandering about looking for food. He was also frightened of stronger animals.

Q2) Who did he first choose as his master. ? Why did he leave that master?
Ans2) He first chose a wolf as his master. He left that master as he found that a bear was stronger than the wolf.

Q3) Who did he chose next   ?
Ans3) Next, he chose a bear.

Q4) Why did he serve the lion for a long time?
Ans4) He served the lion for a long time because lion was the strongest animal in the forest. No one dared touch the dog. The dog had nothing to complain of.

Q5) Who did he finally choose as his master and why?
Ans5) Finally he chose man as his master. He found that man was the strongest being on this earth. He found himself safe and happy in man’s company.

Some more questions for practice.

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) How the dog lived before they chose to find a master.

Q2) What made the cows run in fear?

Q3) Why did the lion run away in fear?

6th class-cbse english (Honeysuckle) Chapter-1 (Who did Patrick’s homework) (Carol Moore)

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
Ans1) Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a little doll. But in reality it was a man of tiniest size. 

Q2) Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?
Ans2) The little man granted Patrick a wish because he saved his life from the cat.

Q3) What was Patrick’s wish?
Ans3) Patrick wish was that the little man should do all his homework till the end of semester, that was for the next 35 days. If tiny man would do his work properly, he would get A's.

Q4) In what subjects did the little man need help to do Patrick’s homework?
Ans4)  The little man needed help to do Patrick’s homework in English, Mathematics and History.

Q5) How did Patrick help him?
Ans5) Patrick helped him by looking up the dictionary for difficult words, guiding him in solving mathematical sums,bringing some books from the library and read them to guide the elf in doing the homework.

Q6) Who do you think did Patrick’s homework –the little man or Patrick himself? Give reasons for you answer?
Ans6) Patrick had done his homework himself. Patrick brought the book from the library and read them to guide the elf in doing the homework. He also  pronounced difficult words, did Mathematics questions, studied till mid –night and thus completed his homework himself. The elf got the work done by Patrick.

Some more questions for practice.

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) How did Patrick spend his day?

Q2) He hate doing homework? Why?

Q3) What secret message did this lesson hold for readers?