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10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK- First flight)( Long answers) chapter- 8 (Mijbil the Otter)(Gavin Maxwell)


Mijbil the Otter

Important questions for board examination.

Answer the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

Q) What things does Mij do which tell you that he is an intelligent, friendly and fun loving animal who needs love?


Q) Discuss various qualities of the Mijbil.

Ans) Mijbil made friendship with the author in just a few days. He was very curious and took interest in his surroundings.

He was intelligent. He escaped from the bedroom and reached the bathroom, where he played with the water. Later in the corridor he tried to open the tap. He devised a game. He put a ball or marble on the higher side of tilted suitcase and rushed on other side to catch it before the ball reached.

 He didn’t like the confinement. He hurt himself in the effort of escaping, when author put him in the box for importing to London. He was naughty and created a nuisance in the aircraft. He was fun loving and developed the compulsive habit of galloping through the courtyard of the school.

Q) Why did author said that air hostess was a queen of her kind?

Ans) Maxwell wanted to carry Mijbil to the London from the Basra, but the airlines did not allow animals to be kept in open. So, he had to put the Mijbil in a box. Mijbil wounded himself in the effort to escape from the box. He was bleeding and was in a very miserable condition.

Maxwell requested the air hostess and she allowed to keep the Mij near his knees.  She was a kind lady who understood the problem of Maxwell. The miserable condition of Mij compelled her to give the permission.     

As soon as Maxwell opened the lid Mij flashed out of the box and rushed down the aircraft. Author jumped to catch him and spill the curry of food of one  passenger. There was a chaos in the aircraft. But air Hostess maintained her cool and helped the author in getting the Mij back.

Because of all these qualities of air hostess Maxwell called her the queen of her kind.

Q) What would you do if you were in place of air hostess?

Ans) Air Hostess was a kind lady. She understood the conditions of Maxwell and  Mijbil. She had sympathy for them and allowed the author to keep the Mij near his knees.

But if I were at her place, I would not allow this. Sympathy and compassion are high qualities but duty is above all. It was not my right to broke the rules of  airlines. I would rather inform my seniors and ask for their suggestions. They might find a better way like keeping the Mijbil in separate cabin or some other method, so that other passengers were not at risk. There must always be a balance of responsibilities and emotions.

More questions for practice.

Q) The narrator developed a special bond with Mijbil, the otter. The author and Mij became good companions. What qualities of the narrator were revealed by this?

Q) What was the purpose of the narrator to write in detail his relationship with Mij? What are the ethics to be observed with animals either - pet or wild?

Q) Describe the journey of author in the Basra. Why did he want an Otter? How did he acquired one?

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