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10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Long answers) chapter-1 (A Triumph of Surgery)(James Herriot)

 Important questions for board examination.

Chapter - 1 Triumph of Surgery.

Answer the following questions in 100 to 150 words.

Q) Give a brief character sketch of doctor Herriot.

Ans)Mr Herriot was a veterinary surgeon. He had much regard for Mrs pumphrey. He regularly visited her to see her little dog tricki. He was concerned about the health of tricki. He was a professional doctor. He strictly advised Mrs Pumphrey to cut down the food items of tricki especially the sweet dishes. He advised her to give him plenty of exercise. When situation was out of control he took tricki to his surgery.

 He knew his work skillfully. He treated tricky in a very natural way without using any medicine or surgery. He knew the real cause of the problem and directly dealt with it. He was a honest man. When Mrs Pumphrey send eggs, wines and Brandy for tricki, doctor and his staff tempted to keep tricky forever. But considering the situation of Mrs Pumphrey he called her to take her dog who was completely fit now.

Q) How did the vet cure tricki?

Ans) Mr Herriet took tricki to his surgery for the treatment. Actually tricki's mistress Mrs Pumphrey was unable to take strict actions.

At the surgery doctor put the tricki with the other dogs. For two days he gave him nothing to eat but only plenty of water to drink. Third day tricki started to take interest in his surroundings. He struggled with other dogs for his share of food. He could not compete. Next day doctor put separate bowl for the tricki. He enjoyed his food. In few days he became part of the gang of dogs. In the daytime he played with them, struggle for food and at night he hunted for the rats in the old hen house. Slowly he started losing his fat and become fast and muscular. He was out of danger and completely fit now. Doctor treated him very cleverly.

More questions for practice.

Q) Write the character sketch of Mrs. Pumphrey.

Q) What was the reason of Tricki's ailment? How was Mrs. Pumphrey responsible for his condition? 

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