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10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Long answers) chapter- 2 (A Thief's Story)(Ruskin Bond)

 The Thief's Story.

Answer the following questions in 100 to 150 words.

Q)Who was Anil? Give his character sketch?

Ans) Anil was writer. He wrote for the magazines and got paid for it. His income was not regular. One day he borrowed and next day he lend money. He was a simple and easygoing person. He spent all his money carelessly on his friends in the parties.

He was a kind person. He knew very well that Hari singh was stealing about one rupee daily from the shopping. But he ignored it. When Hari Singh could not make food on the first day he encouraged him and promised him to teach how to cook. He also promised to teach him reading and writing skills. By his kindness he changed Hari singh completely. Hari singh could not escape with the stolen money and came back to Anil. In fact he came back to life. Hari Singh was completely reformed by the generous methods of Anil.

Q) Love and sympathy can transform even a thief. How is it true in case of Hari Singh?

Ans) It is absolutely true that love and sympathy can transform anyone even a thief. These are the powerful feelings that can affects everyone's heart. If someone is on the wrong path due to his circumstances, he can be reformed by love, trust and sympathy.

In this story are Hari singh was a thief. He was only 15 years old. He persuaded Anil to get jobs. But his actual purpose was to rob him. He did everything to gain the confidence of Anil. Anil trusted him blindly and ignored all his mistakes. This had deep impact on the Hari Singh. These methods reformed him. In the force of his old habits he stole money from the Anil's house but he could not run away. Love and innocence of Anil pulled him back. Hari singh as thinking of the bright future after acquiring education. This dream was implanted in his mind by the Anil.

More questions for practice.

Q) Give a character sketch of Hari Singh?

Q)Why did Hari Singh decide to return the stolen money? What light does it throw on his character?

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