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10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Long Answers) chapter-9 (Bholi)(K. A. Abbas)



Important questions for board examination

Answer the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

Q) On the basis of your understanding of the story, sketch the character of Bholi.

Ans) Bholi, whose real name was Sulekha, was a backward child. In her childhood she fell from the cot on her head and some part of her brain was damaged. She started speaking only at the age of five and that too with stammering. She also suffered from smallpox. She was always given worn out dresses of her elder sisters. Nobody cared of her.

Her life showed a ray of hope when she started to go to school. Her teacher changed her into a confident girl. Its evidence came when her parents tried to marry her with an old lame and greedy grocer Bishamber Nath. Initially Bholi agreed. But when she came to know about the greedy nature of Bishamber Nath she refused to marry him. Everybody was surprised. Nobody could believe that she could take such a bold step. Actually it was her teacher who had transformed her from a dumb cow to a courageous girl.

Q) Give the character sketch of Bholi's teacher?

Ans)  Teacher had deep impact on Bholi's life. On the first day in school when Bholi was unable to tell her name and fell into the deep pit of depression the teacher encouraged her and filled her with  confidence. She gave Bholi a small book and planted a dream in her mind that one day she would be the most educated girl in the village. Everybody would respect her and she would not stammer at all.

Bholi lived for that dream. Slowly but gradually she grew into a mature, confident, intelligent and brave girl.

For the love and respect of her parents She accepted the marriage with Bishamber Nath. But later when she came to know about his greedy nature, she took very bold step. She refused to marry. She told her parents that she would work in the school and took care of them. Behind all these qualities of Bholi was a single person and that was her teacher. She was present in the marriage party. She had feeling of contentment in her eyes on seeing the courageous stand of Bholi for a noble cause.

More questions for practice.

Q) What do you know about the dowry system in India?

Q) Bholi was known to be a “dumb cow.” How did she turn out to be an outspoken and fearless girl?

Q) Why did Bholi at first agree to an unequal match? Why did she later rejected the marriage? What does this tell us about her?

Q) What is the role of teacher in our life?

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