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10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Short answers) chapter- 10 (The Book That Saved the Earth)(Claire Boiko)


The Book that Saved the Earth.


Important questions for the board examination.
Q) Why is the twentieth century called the Era of books?

And) In the 20th century many books were published. There were books available on every topic from anteaters to Zulus. That’s why it is called era of the books.

Q)What type of person is Think Tank?

Ans) Think tank was the commander in chief of Mars Space Center. He wished to be addressed by a long salutation. He was very arrogant person. He consulted only mirror. He never allowed Noodle to take credit for his ideas.

Q) How does Think Tank interpret the nursery rhymes on mistress Mary?

Ans) Think tank surprised to know that maids were grown in the garden. He thought that earthlings had developed the technique of mixing Agriculture with mining. They could grow rare metals like silver and high  explosives. He ordered noodles to contact invasion fleet to stop the attack.

Q) How does Think Tank interpret the poem on The Cat and the fiddle?

Ans) Think tank was alarmed on hearing this poem. He thought that earthlings had reached a high level of civilization and they had taught their domestic animals musical culture and space technology. He interpreted jumping of cow over the moon as an invasion.

Q) How is the rhyme “Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall” interpreted by Think Tank?

Ans) Think tank was shocked at this poem. He thought that earthlings were planning to attack and capture Mars Space Centre. They were behind him. He instructed noodle to leave the earth immediately. He wanted that this visit to be a secret without any knowledge of Earthlings. He left his Mars Space Center in the space capsule.

Q) How does Think Tank wish to be saluted?

Ans) Think tank wished to be saluted in these words,  O’ Great and Mighty think tank, Ruler of Mars and her two moons, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe.

More questions for practice.

Q) Noodle avoids offending Think Tank but at the same time he corrects his mistakes. How does he managed to do that?

Q) What information do you gain about lieutenant Iota?

Q) Do you think electronic media can replace books?

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