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10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Long answers) chapter- 10 (The Book That Saved the Earth)(Claire Boiko)

 The book that saved the Earth

Important questions for board examination.

Answer the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

Q) Attempt character sketch of Great and mighty Think Tank?

Ans) The think tank was the commander-in-chief of Mars Control Center. He had a big balloon brain. He was proud of that. He considered himself the mightiest and wisest creature in the universe. He consulted nobody but the mirror. But when he interpreted the poem he looked very funny. He was very arrogant. He never allowed noodle to take credit for his thoughts and ideas. Probe crew members were also afraid of him. His opinion about earthlings was low. he thought that they were primitive creatures who knew no technology and kept eating something or other all the time. In the end his coward personality came forth and he ran away from the Mars to protect himself.

Q) How is the historian indebted the existence of books for saving the earth?

Ans) In the 20th century Mars control centre’s commander-in-chief Think Tank decided to attack Earth. he thought that Earth was inhabited by primitives who were very weak. He could easily capture Earth that he called a mud ball. He sent a space probe with three crew members on the earth to gather information. They landed on earth in a library. They knew nothing about the books. So they contacted the Think Tank to know about them. Think Tank was also ignorant but he pretended to know everything. He considered them firstly sandwiches then ear communication devices and finally eye communication devices. He ordered crew members to decipher the code in the book - the Mother goose. He interpreted the nursery rhyme in a very funny way and concluded that earthlings were very advanced and planning to capture him. He became frightented and ran away. Thus a nursery rhyme book saved the earth.

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