8th class-cbse english (honey dew) (Poem) Poem -1 (The ant and the cricket) (Adopted from Aesop’s fables)

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) The cricket says: “ oh! What will become of me?” When does he say it, and why?
Ans1) When winter comes and the cricket has nothing to eat, he cannot find even crumb. He is worried now for his food and shelter so he says “oh! What will become of me?”

Q2)What is you opinion of the ant’s principles?
Ans2)The ant’s principles are appropriate to some extents. But, we should not be so harsh to overlook ones starvation. Instead, we can make one realize one’s mistake.

Q3)The ant tells the cricket to ‘dance winter away’. Do you think the word ‘dance’ is appropriate here? If so, why?
Ans3) The word ‘dance’ is appropriate here because it clearly make fun of the light and careless attitude of the cricket.

Q4) Why could the cricket not save anything?
Ans4)The cricket was in gay mood. He spent all his summer in singing and dancing.

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