Answer following questions in short.
Q1) How was Ernest
different from others is the valley?
Ans1) The thoughts which the Ernest expressed were so high
that no one else could be expected to have spoken. This made Ernest different
from the other people of the valley.
Q2) Why did the
Ernest think the poet was like the Stone Face?
Ans2) Ernest liked the ideas expressed in the work of the
poet. He started to believe that poet was like the Stone Face
Q3) What did the poet
himself say about his thoughts and poems?
Ans3) The poet told Ernest that the distinct voice of a
heavenly song could be heard in his own songs. But his life had been different
from his poems. Sometimes he doubted in his own thoughts.
Q4) What made the
poet proclaim Ernest was the Stone Face?
Ans4) When Ernest was speaking to the gathering, the poet
was so moved by his thought.He looked closely at the face of Ernest and
proclaimed that Ernest is himself the likeness of great stone Face.
Q5) Who , by common
consent, turned out to be like the Great Stone Face?
Ans5) Ernest turned out to be like the Great Stone Face.
Q6) Did the Ernest
believe that the old prophecy had com true? What did he say about it?
Ans6) Ernest did not feel in the end that the prophecy had
come true. He wished that some wiser and better man than himself would by and
by appear, bearing aresembalance to the Great stone face.