Answer following questions in short.
Q1) What information
do you get a about Belinda?
Ans1) Belinda lived in a little white house. She had four
pets namely –a little black kitten, a little yellow dog and a little grey
mouse. Her little pet dragon was very friendly and loving by nature.
Q2) What was specific
about her pets expect dragon?
Ans2) Blinda had named all of them differently. The little
black kitten was called Ink. The little grey mouse was Blink and little yellow
dog was sharp like Mustard. They all were proud of their bravery.
Q3) How was the
Ans3) The dragon was named
Custard. It had big sharp teeth. On the top there were spikes on his body. It’s
underneath body had scales. Its mouth was like a fire place and its nose was
like a chimney. There were daggers on his toes.
Q4) What were the
reactions of the pets on seeing the pirate?
Ans4) When they see the pirate, Belinda turned pale and
cried for help. Mustard fled away with a terrified yelp and Ink reached the
bottom of the mouse hole but the dragon attacked the pirate.
Some more questions for practice.
Q1) How did the
dragon react then?