Past perfect (practice)-1

Q1) Translate following sentences into your mother tongue.

1)      Birds had return to their nests.
2)      Father had gone to the office.
3)      Had the child fallen in the river?
4)      We had not purchased new clothes for the party.
5)      Rain had started.
6)      Grandfather had read the newspaper.
7)      Boat had capsized.
8)      Military had reached for help.
9)      We had defeated the enemy.
10)  Doctor had examined ten patients.
11)  Had the bad time passed?
12)  Cobbler had sewn the shoes.
13)  He had decided in his mind.
14)  We had defeated the enemy.
15)  Court had banned the use of Polythene.

Q2) write 15 sentences in Past Perfect tense.

For further Practice see Past Perfect (practice)-2

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