10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK- First flight)( Long answers) chapter- 10 (Sermon at Benaras)( Betty Renstaw)


Sermon at Benaras

Important questions for board examination.

Answer following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

Q) Describe the journey of Siddhartha Gautama becoming the Buddha.


Q) When Siddhartha saw a sick man, an aged men, a funeral procession and a monk, he left his home and go out in search of enlightenment. What lesson about life do we learn from this episode?


Ans) Siddharth Gautam was born in a royal family. He lived a luxurious life. At the age of twelve he was send for learning sacred Hindu scriptures. After four years he returned back. He was married and lived a happy life for ten years.

One day, while going for hunting, he saw he a sick man, an old age person, a funeral procession and then a monk. Before it, he was unaware of the harsh reality of the life. The miserable conditions of man impacted him so much that he left home in search of answers to mysteries of life.

He wandered for seven years. Finally he sat under a Peeple tree and resolved to find the answers. After deep meditation of seven days he got Enlightenment. He understood the cause of misery and the path of peace and contentment.

Q) “The life of mortals in this world is troubled and brief and combined with pain…” with this statement of the Buddha, find out what Kisa Gotami learnt after the death of her child?

Ans) Kisa Gotami was deeply stirred by the death of her only son. She was filled with grief and sorrow. She carried dead body of her son from one house to another and begged for some medicine that would make him alive. Someone suggested her to visit Shakyamuni Gautam Buddha.

 Buddha understood her problem and asked her to bring a fistful mustered seeds from a home where no one had died ever. She ran house to house. Many were ready to give her mustered seeds but they could not fulfil the conditions of Buddha. Every family had lost their loved ones.

Kisa Gotami realised that death is inevitable. We must accept it as a law of nature. One who raise above the sorrow would win over it.

Q) According to Buddha what is the truth of life? How should a wise man behave in times of difficulty or mishappenings?

Ans) The life in this world is troubled and brief and combined with pain. We should be conscious to the fact that we are mortal. Death is inevitable.  It cannot be deferred. We must accept it as the ultimate truth of life. Peace lies  in understanding and accepting the terms of the life.

One cannot be consoled by grieving. Rather sufferings would become greater. No one can escape sufferings and death. Mourning cannot mitigate our pain it would rather magnify it. We should not fell in the pit of sorrowful emotions. One who overcomes his sorrow would raise above it.

 Wise men behave calmly in the time of difficulty and mishappenings. They knew suffering and death are the realities of life. There is no point in sorrow or lamentation.

More questions for practice.

Q) Explain in your own words the theme of the lesson. How can one attain peace?

Q)   Gautam Buddha helped  Kisa Gotami by his kind words and guidance. A timely help and sympathy is a great support for those who are in grief. How are kindness and sympathy important in a peaceful and joyful life?

10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK- First flight)( Long answers) chapter- 9 (Madam Rides the Bus)(Vallikkannan)


Madam Rides the Bus

Important questions for board examination.

Answer the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

Q) Curiosity is the mother of all learnings and discoveries. Valli had an urge to know about the city. Her keen and close observation made her intelligent, confident and mature. What do you learn from her character?


Q) What was Valli’s deepest desire? How did she plan for it?


Q) How did Valli planned her journey? What qualities of her were revealed by it?

Ans) There was an hourly bus service from Valli’s village to the nearest town. The bus passed through her house. She saw the bus with new passengers every time. This rose her interest in riding the bus and visiting the town. Slowly it became her deepest desire.

She planned meticulously for her first journey. She had three challenges. Firstly, to gather the information about the bus journey and the town. For this she started to listen carefully the conversation of passengers and the neighbours. Sometimes she asked questions to them. The second obstacle was the money needed for the fare. The two way journey needed sixty paise. For this she saved every single penny she got. She resisted her desire to buy peppermints, balloons, toys etc. She supressed her desire of riding a merry-go-round in the fair. Finally she collected enough money for the fare. Final hindrance was to decide the journey time. She chose the afternoon time when her mother take a nap after the lunch.

This shows that a burning desire, meticulously designed plan, and the courage to execute it always lead to the success.

Q) What all exciting things did Valli see from the bus? Was the excitement the same on her return journey?

Ans) After much hardwork and sacrifice Valli arranged her first bus journey. She was very excited and didn’t want to miss anything. She stood on the seat and saw the scenes outside. Bus passed along the canal. Behind there were palm trees, then mountains and blue sky. On the other side there was deep ditch and vast fields. She enjoyed the beauty of nature. It was a new experience of seeing things from a running bus.

After some time the bus slowed down because a young cow was running right in front of the bus. As the driver blew the horn, cow gallop but never went aside but remained in the front of the bus. This scene engaged her attention and she was filled with joy.

This excitement vanished in her return journey when she saw a dead cow on the roadside. It was the same cow that she saw in her journey to town. At that time it was full of life and energy. Valli was filled with sadness. Now she had no interest in anything outside. This was her introduction to the mystery of life and death.

Q) Was it proper on Valli’s part to go to city without the knowledge of her mother? What advice would you give to such children?

Ans) Valli had burning desire to ride the bus and to visit the town. She had a bright mind which could plan thoroughly and systematically. She also had will power to resist her temptations. But I think she was lacking in one quality. That is the courage to put forth her desire in front of her parents and convince them. Her decision to go for bus ride without the knowledge of her mother was not correct.

We must understand that our parents are our well wishers. If we convince them that we are not on the wrong path and ensure them that we have capability and courage to fulfil the desire, then they will definitely support us. They can be our best companion in our journey to success.

Valli overcame many obstacles to fulfil her desire. She should also accept the challenge of convincing her mother.

More questions for practice.

Q) Valli got jealous when her friends told her about the bus ride and the sight of town? what is your opinion about the  jealousy? What can one do to keep the jealous thoughts away?

Q) The sight of the dead cow filled Valli with sadness. It was her induction into the mystery of life and death. Such experiences of life make us mature. Do you agree?

Q) If you were in the place of Valli, how would you react on seeing the the dead cow ?

Q) Valli strictly refused the conductor’s offer of a cold drink though she might be willing to have one. Why did she do so?

10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK- First flight)( Long answers) chapter- 8 (Mijbil the Otter)(Gavin Maxwell)


Mijbil the Otter

Important questions for board examination.

Answer the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

Q) What things does Mij do which tell you that he is an intelligent, friendly and fun loving animal who needs love?


Q) Discuss various qualities of the Mijbil.

Ans) Mijbil made friendship with the author in just a few days. He was very curious and took interest in his surroundings.

He was intelligent. He escaped from the bedroom and reached the bathroom, where he played with the water. Later in the corridor he tried to open the tap. He devised a game. He put a ball or marble on the higher side of tilted suitcase and rushed on other side to catch it before the ball reached.

 He didn’t like the confinement. He hurt himself in the effort of escaping, when author put him in the box for importing to London. He was naughty and created a nuisance in the aircraft. He was fun loving and developed the compulsive habit of galloping through the courtyard of the school.

Q) Why did author said that air hostess was a queen of her kind?

Ans) Maxwell wanted to carry Mijbil to the London from the Basra, but the airlines did not allow animals to be kept in open. So, he had to put the Mijbil in a box. Mijbil wounded himself in the effort to escape from the box. He was bleeding and was in a very miserable condition.

Maxwell requested the air hostess and she allowed to keep the Mij near his knees.  She was a kind lady who understood the problem of Maxwell. The miserable condition of Mij compelled her to give the permission.     

As soon as Maxwell opened the lid Mij flashed out of the box and rushed down the aircraft. Author jumped to catch him and spill the curry of food of one  passenger. There was a chaos in the aircraft. But air Hostess maintained her cool and helped the author in getting the Mij back.

Because of all these qualities of air hostess Maxwell called her the queen of her kind.

Q) What would you do if you were in place of air hostess?

Ans) Air Hostess was a kind lady. She understood the conditions of Maxwell and  Mijbil. She had sympathy for them and allowed the author to keep the Mij near his knees.

But if I were at her place, I would not allow this. Sympathy and compassion are high qualities but duty is above all. It was not my right to broke the rules of  airlines. I would rather inform my seniors and ask for their suggestions. They might find a better way like keeping the Mijbil in separate cabin or some other method, so that other passengers were not at risk. There must always be a balance of responsibilities and emotions.

More questions for practice.

Q) The narrator developed a special bond with Mijbil, the otter. The author and Mij became good companions. What qualities of the narrator were revealed by this?

Q) What was the purpose of the narrator to write in detail his relationship with Mij? What are the ethics to be observed with animals either - pet or wild?

Q) Describe the journey of author in the Basra. Why did he want an Otter? How did he acquired one?

10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Long answers) chapter- 6 (The making of a scientist)(Robert W. Peterson)


Making of a Scientist.

Important questions for board examination.

Answer the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

Q) Analyse the character of Richard Ebright in your own word.

Ans)  Richard Ebright was very good observer and collector. In kinder garden he collected butterflies. He also collected rocks, fossils and coins.

He had a driving curiosity along with a bright mind. The book ‘The travels of monarch X' opened a new world to him. He started raising butterflies and tagging them.

He was a boy who learnt from his failures. In 7th standard when he could not win the prize, he was not disappointed. Rather he analysed and learnt that winners needed real scientific experimentation. Next year he corrected himself and got the prize.

 Later he used this method of scientific inquiry to solve many more problems like reason behind 12 gold spots on monarch pupa, secret of similarity between viceroy and monarch butterflies, the study of DNA structure and finally the theory of cell.

Besides science he had interest in many other things like debate, speech delivery and photography. He was a balanced man.

Q) What role did Ebright’s mother play in making him grow as a scientist?


Q) Write the character sketch of Ebright's mother.

Ans) Richard Ebright spent his childhood in the north of reading, Pennsylvania. His father died when he was only three years old. His mother looked after him.

He had a scientific bend of mind since his childhood. His mother recognised it and encouraged him to pursue all activities that led him to become a great scientist. She took him to different trips and provided him an exposure to the nature. She bought him various scientific equipments  like telescope, microscope, camera etc. 

She bought a book ‘the travel of monarch X' for him. This book was a turning point for him. A new dimension to his scientific experimentation was added. His mother developed the base for the future launch of a bright scientist.

More questions for practice.

Q) “Failure is a step towards success.” How did a failure in the first competition help Ebright in becoming a successful scientist?

Q) What are the qualities that go into the making of a scientist?

Q) The book ‘the travel of Monarch X' opened the world of science to him.” Elaborate.

Q) Mention all the achievements of Richard Ebright.

10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Short answers) chapter- 6 (The making of a scientist)(Robert W. Peterson)


Making of a Scientist.

Important questions for board examination.


Q) What role did mother play in making of a scientist Richard Ebright?

Ans) Mother encouraged his interest in learning. She took him on trips. She bought him many equipments like telescope, microscope, camera and mounting material that helped him in his queries. Mother arranged different activities for him so that he remain engaged in learning.

Q) What changes were brought about after Ebright got the book “The travels of monarch X?"

Ans) This book was a turning point in the life of the Ebright. In the book Dr. Urquahat  invited the readers to tag butterflies and trace their journey. Ebright raised flock of butterflies from egg to Caterpillar to pupa to adult butterfly. This gave him a hint of what real science was.

Q) Why could Ebright not win in school fair when he was in 7th grade?

And) Ebright could not win the prize because his work was only neatly presented models and slides. He came to know for the first time that winners needed to do original experiments. He learnt his lesson from this episode.

Q) How was the theory of the presence of  twelve tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa solved?

Ans) Richard Ebright proved that twelve tiny gold spots on the Monarch Pupa were not ornamental. In fact they released hormones that helped in the full development of caterpillars.

Q) What other interests, besides science, did Richard Ebright pursue?

Ans) Besides science, Richard Ebright had many interests. He was a champion debater, a good public speaker and a good canoeist. He was also interested in photography, especially the photography of nature.

Q) Why did Viceroy butterflies copy the Monarchs?


Q) What was his science fair project?

Ans) Monarch Butterflies do not taste good to birds. But viceroy butterflies taste good to them. Viceroy try to look alike monarch so that they can be saved. This theory was the science fair project of Richard Ebright.

More questions for practice.

Q) How did Richard Ebright excite the world of science at the age of twenty two?

Q) How did  Ebright  spent his time in Pennsylvania?

Q) What was the project of Ebright in the 8th grade? what was the result?

Q) How did Richard A Weiherer come to help Richard Ebright?

10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Short answers) chapter- 10 (The Book That Saved the Earth)(Claire Boiko)


The Book that Saved the Earth.


Important questions for the board examination.
Q) Why is the twentieth century called the Era of books?

And) In the 20th century many books were published. There were books available on every topic from anteaters to Zulus. That’s why it is called era of the books.

Q)What type of person is Think Tank?

Ans) Think tank was the commander in chief of Mars Space Center. He wished to be addressed by a long salutation. He was very arrogant person. He consulted only mirror. He never allowed Noodle to take credit for his ideas.

Q) How does Think Tank interpret the nursery rhymes on mistress Mary?

Ans) Think tank surprised to know that maids were grown in the garden. He thought that earthlings had developed the technique of mixing Agriculture with mining. They could grow rare metals like silver and high  explosives. He ordered noodles to contact invasion fleet to stop the attack.

Q) How does Think Tank interpret the poem on The Cat and the fiddle?

Ans) Think tank was alarmed on hearing this poem. He thought that earthlings had reached a high level of civilization and they had taught their domestic animals musical culture and space technology. He interpreted jumping of cow over the moon as an invasion.

Q) How is the rhyme “Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall” interpreted by Think Tank?

Ans) Think tank was shocked at this poem. He thought that earthlings were planning to attack and capture Mars Space Centre. They were behind him. He instructed noodle to leave the earth immediately. He wanted that this visit to be a secret without any knowledge of Earthlings. He left his Mars Space Center in the space capsule.

Q) How does Think Tank wish to be saluted?

Ans) Think tank wished to be saluted in these words,  O’ Great and Mighty think tank, Ruler of Mars and her two moons, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe.

More questions for practice.

Q) Noodle avoids offending Think Tank but at the same time he corrects his mistakes. How does he managed to do that?

Q) What information do you gain about lieutenant Iota?

Q) Do you think electronic media can replace books?

10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Short Answers) chapter-9 (Bholi)(K. A. Abbas)



Important questions for board examination

Q) What do you know about sulekha (Bholi) from the text ?

Ans) Sulekha was the youngest girl of Numberdar Ramlal. She was ten months old she had fallen off the cot on her head and some part of her brain was damaged. She remained a backward child and came to be known as bholi. When she was two years old she had an attack of smallpox. Her entire body was disfigured by black pock-marks. She could not speak till she was five, that too with stammering. Other children made fun of her.

Q) Give the details of Ramlal’s family.

Ans) Ramlal was a Numberdar. He had seven children - three boys and four girls. It was a prosperous farmer family and there was plenty to eat and drink. All the children were healthy and strong except Bholi. She was a backward child.

Q) Why did the tehsildar  come to Ramlal’s village? What did he ask Ramlal to do?

Ans) Tehsildar came to Ramlal's village to inaugurate a girls primary school. He asked Ramlal that you were a government servant. You should send your girls to the school to set an example for others.

Q) Who was Lakshmi? What had happened to her that terrified Bholi and why?

Ans) Lakshmi was the cow of Bholi's family. When she grew old she was turned out of the house and sold. Bholi thought that she might be treated in the similar manner. She was terrified when her father tried to take her to the school.

Q) Bishamber Nath refused to marry Bholi. Later, he agreed to do so. Why?

Ans) During the marriage process Bishamber Nath saw the pock marks on the face of Bholi when someone pulled her veil back from her head. On seeing her disfigured face Bishamber Nath became angry and refused to marry. But later he agreed because  Bholi's father Ramlal offered him five thousand rupees.

Q) What made her feel that she was going to a better place than her home?

Ans) Bholi's mother prepared her for the school. She was bathed and oil was rubbed on her dry hair. Her matted hair were combed. After that she was given a clean dress to wear. Then Bholi believed that she was going to a better place than her home.

More questions for practice.

Q) How did the teacher help Bholi in telling her name?

Q) What happened when the school closed?

Q) How did Bholi's teachers play an important role in changing the course of her life?

Q) How did Bholi rebel against Bishamber Nath and why did she do so?

Q) Why was Bholi reluctant to go to school with her father?

10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Long Answers) chapter-9 (Bholi)(K. A. Abbas)



Important questions for board examination

Answer the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

Q) On the basis of your understanding of the story, sketch the character of Bholi.

Ans) Bholi, whose real name was Sulekha, was a backward child. In her childhood she fell from the cot on her head and some part of her brain was damaged. She started speaking only at the age of five and that too with stammering. She also suffered from smallpox. She was always given worn out dresses of her elder sisters. Nobody cared of her.

Her life showed a ray of hope when she started to go to school. Her teacher changed her into a confident girl. Its evidence came when her parents tried to marry her with an old lame and greedy grocer Bishamber Nath. Initially Bholi agreed. But when she came to know about the greedy nature of Bishamber Nath she refused to marry him. Everybody was surprised. Nobody could believe that she could take such a bold step. Actually it was her teacher who had transformed her from a dumb cow to a courageous girl.

Q) Give the character sketch of Bholi's teacher?

Ans)  Teacher had deep impact on Bholi's life. On the first day in school when Bholi was unable to tell her name and fell into the deep pit of depression the teacher encouraged her and filled her with  confidence. She gave Bholi a small book and planted a dream in her mind that one day she would be the most educated girl in the village. Everybody would respect her and she would not stammer at all.

Bholi lived for that dream. Slowly but gradually she grew into a mature, confident, intelligent and brave girl.

For the love and respect of her parents She accepted the marriage with Bishamber Nath. But later when she came to know about his greedy nature, she took very bold step. She refused to marry. She told her parents that she would work in the school and took care of them. Behind all these qualities of Bholi was a single person and that was her teacher. She was present in the marriage party. She had feeling of contentment in her eyes on seeing the courageous stand of Bholi for a noble cause.

More questions for practice.

Q) What do you know about the dowry system in India?

Q) Bholi was known to be a “dumb cow.” How did she turn out to be an outspoken and fearless girl?

Q) Why did Bholi at first agree to an unequal match? Why did she later rejected the marriage? What does this tell us about her?

Q) What is the role of teacher in our life?

10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Long Answers) chapter-8 (The Hack Driver)(Sinclair Lewis)

 The Hack Driver

Important questions for board examination.

Answer the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

Q) How did the narrator’s experience at new Mullion change his attitude towards Country Life?

Ans) Narrator was a assistant clerk in a big law firm. He was sent to serve summons to the persons needed in different cases. He did not like his job. So when he was sent to new Mullion, he was very happy. There he met a friendly hack driver, Bill, who helped him in searching Oliver Lutkins. Narrator enjoyed Bill's company very much. He was impressed by the wisdom of the Bill. He loved his opinion about different people. He  appreciated the outlook of Bill towards the life. The simple and easy going life of country Influenced him so much that he started planning to settle in the new Mullion

Q) Why was the narrator sent to new Mullions? How did Bill help him?

Ans) Narrator worked for a law firm which needed a person, Lutkins, for a case. Lutkins had neglected many communications by the firm. Therefore firm decided to send narrator to new Mullions to serve the summons personally.

Narrator did not know anybody in the town. He met a hack driver, Bill, at the railway station. He offered to help him. He knew everyone there. He took narrator to many places. He enquired about Lutkins himself and asked the narrator to stay behind. They went to many places and missed the Lutkins by few minutes every time. They took lunch which was prepared by Bill’s wife. Narrator was impressed by the wisdom and wit of the Bill. Finally they went to the farmhouse of Lutkins' mother. In spite of all efforts, they could not find the Lutkins. In the end Bill dropped the narrator at the station.

More questions for practice.

Q) Describe the narrator's search for Lutkins in new Mullion with the hack driver.

Q) Describe the narrators encounter with Lutkin's mother.

10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Short Answers) chapter-8 (The Hack Driver)(Sinclair Lewis)


The hack driver

Important questions for board examination.

Q) What was the impression the hack driver made on the narrator when he first met him?

Ans) Narrator was disappointed when he saw the muddy streets and wooden shops in New Mullions. The only agreeable sight was the hack driver. He was very friendly with a smiling face. It appeared that he was a man who loved people.

Q) Who was Oliver Lutkins? Why were summons issued on his name?

Ans) Oliver Lutkins was a countryman. He was needed as a witness in a case by  narrator's law firm. His witness can easily solve the case.  Firm issued many summons on his name but he refused all of them.

Q) What was the deal between the hack driver and the narrator?

Ans) Hack driver promised the narrator that he would help him in searching the Oliver lutkins because it was very difficult for a city man to catch a parson like Lutkins.And narrator would pay two dollar per hour for using his cart.

Q) The narrator knew that the hack driver wanted business yet he accepted his services. Why?

Ans) The narrator knew very well that hack driver wanted business. He hired him at very high rate. Hack driver even charged him for the lunch. Yet narrator accepted his services because he was impressed by the helping nature, simple philosophy, wisdom and pleasing personality of the Bill. Narrator was happy that the money went to a good man.

Q) How did the hack driver describe lutkins?

Ans) The hack driver described Lutkins  in very good light. He told that he never stay at one place. He was always busy. He was very clever. He was very good in deceiving others. He never returned money. Hack driver appreciated him for his dishonesty.

Q) Who was the hack driver? How was he recognised? What really hurt the narrator's feelings?

Ans) Hack driver was Oliver Lutkins himself. When narrator was sent to new million again, he was accompanied by a colleague who was familiar with the Oliver Lutkins. He identified the Lutkins immediately at the railway station.

Narrator’s feelings were hurt when he saw that Lutkins was laughing at him and treated him as a boy of seven year.

More questions for practice.

Q) What job did the narrator get after graduation? Did he like his work?

Q) Why did the narrator not like his job?

Q) Why was the narrator happy with Bill?

Q) Where did the narrator have his lunch at new Mullion? What was special about the lunch?

Q) Why did the hack driver and the narrator go to Gustaff's shop? Did they succeed in their mission?

Q) Who was Oliver lutkins ? Who was Bill and who was William magnuson?

Q) How was the summons finally served on lutkins?