10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Short answers) chapter- 6 (The making of a scientist)(Robert W. Peterson)


Making of a Scientist.

Important questions for board examination.


Q) What role did mother play in making of a scientist Richard Ebright?

Ans) Mother encouraged his interest in learning. She took him on trips. She bought him many equipments like telescope, microscope, camera and mounting material that helped him in his queries. Mother arranged different activities for him so that he remain engaged in learning.

Q) What changes were brought about after Ebright got the book “The travels of monarch X?"

Ans) This book was a turning point in the life of the Ebright. In the book Dr. Urquahat  invited the readers to tag butterflies and trace their journey. Ebright raised flock of butterflies from egg to Caterpillar to pupa to adult butterfly. This gave him a hint of what real science was.

Q) Why could Ebright not win in school fair when he was in 7th grade?

And) Ebright could not win the prize because his work was only neatly presented models and slides. He came to know for the first time that winners needed to do original experiments. He learnt his lesson from this episode.

Q) How was the theory of the presence of  twelve tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa solved?

Ans) Richard Ebright proved that twelve tiny gold spots on the Monarch Pupa were not ornamental. In fact they released hormones that helped in the full development of caterpillars.

Q) What other interests, besides science, did Richard Ebright pursue?

Ans) Besides science, Richard Ebright had many interests. He was a champion debater, a good public speaker and a good canoeist. He was also interested in photography, especially the photography of nature.

Q) Why did Viceroy butterflies copy the Monarchs?


Q) What was his science fair project?

Ans) Monarch Butterflies do not taste good to birds. But viceroy butterflies taste good to them. Viceroy try to look alike monarch so that they can be saved. This theory was the science fair project of Richard Ebright.

More questions for practice.

Q) How did Richard Ebright excite the world of science at the age of twenty two?

Q) How did  Ebright  spent his time in Pennsylvania?

Q) What was the project of Ebright in the 8th grade? what was the result?

Q) How did Richard A Weiherer come to help Richard Ebright?

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