10th class-cbse english (NCERT BOOK-Footprints without feet)( Long answers) chapter- 3 (The Midnight Visitor)(Robert Arthur)

Answer the following questions in 100 to 150 words.

Q) What impression do you form of Ausable as a secret agent after reading the story “the midnight visitor” ?


Q) Write the character sketch of Ausable.


Q) Who was smarter – Max or Abusable?

Ans) Ausableb was a short and fat person who did not fit any description of a spy. But he was a clever secret agent. He outsmarted the Max. In a french hotel he was waiting for a very secret and important documents related to the missile technology. When he entered in his room with writer Fowler he found Max was waiting for him in the room. Max had a pistol in his hand. Ausable had no weapon. Even then he got rid of Max easily. He cooked a story instantly and convinced the Max, and also the Fowler, that there was a balcony beneath the window. He had ordered wine and was expecting waiter Henry anytime. When waiter knocked at the door he told the Max that it must be police. To hide himself Max jump from the window.


More questions for practice.

Answers the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

Q) How did Max attempt but failed to acquire the secret paper from  Ausable?

Q) In difficult times we can always find the solutions if we keep our cool. Taking the example of the secret agent Ausable, Elaborate.

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