Online / Digital Study

School anytime anywhere

Online study/classes
(advantages and disadvantages)

Online study is not new to the modern students. Along with their regular classes in schools and coaching centers, they are watching online lectures, as an additional support material. It adds to their understanding. Some students prefer online coaching as compared to the local area coaching. Online study / classes are growing day by day. It has its own advantages and disadvantages.
After the spread of deadly Covid 19 virus, we need to think seriously about online education.


Online study has many advantages. Some prominent among them are as follows:

1. Students can record and watch the lectures again and again.

2. Student need not present at the class time. He / She can attend recorded lecture at his/her convenient time.

3. Students can select different teachers for different topics. This freedom is not available offline or in traditional study system.

4. Online coaching is generally economical. Even much of the material is free for the students. They can save lot of money.

5. It saves lot time also, as the students need not to travel to the coaching centers or institutes. They can study in the comfort of their home.

6. This type of study increases the reach of the students. They are no more restricted to study in their neighbourhood. They can approach the teacher of his choice, whatever may be the distance.

7. Students can interact with the students of other schools and institutions, even from other states and nations. It provides them better understanding of their standing in the competitive world.

8. Teachers can also gain from this new pattern of study. The whole world is their classroom. They are not bound to an area.

9. For an entrepreneur, it is easy to establish an online institute as compared to the traditional coaching centers.

10. Internet has changed the teaching learning methods to the great extents.


1.  Teaches have no eye contact with students. Interaction between        teachers and students is least.
2. Many old experienced teachers are not habitual of online teaching. They are unable to deliver online. This will compel them to retire. It is a great loss of teaching talent.

3. Teacher moulds his strategy of delivering the lecture according to the students present before him. In online classes he is deprived of this opportunity. Thus online study needs different type of teaching skill.

4.  Online study needs high speed Internet connection. In some remote areas it is a big issue. Video lectures are high-memory content and it takes lot of time to download such videos on a slow Internet.

5. In developing nations, we have many areas where power cut is very frequent. Without regular supply of electricity online education is just not possible.


Like any other technology and methodology, online study has its pros and cons. As the trend suggests, it is going to gain momentum in near future. We are watching more and more students on the Internet. Online study is growing rapidly. Mobiles have increased the pace of this trend. With mobile in hand, Internet access is more easy and cheap. It is obvious that online study is the future of modern education system.