Flamingo(Lost Spring)(Summary)


NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English


Lost Spring– Stories of Stolen Childhood (Anees Jung)


This story has two parts.

The first part describes the life of ragpickers of the Seemapuri.The garbage collectors come from Dhaka. The storms have caused damage to their homes and farmland. Now they settled in Seemapuri, Delhi. They had to face a lot of difficulties and the truth was painful for them. They lack the basic resources. Every morning, the author observes Saheb searching the area for "gold." These rag pickers depend on garbage to survive.  For the children it is a wonderful thing. A few coins can be found from it. But for elders it is a means of survival. There are a lot of things that they can't access. Later, Saheb enters a tea shop where he has the opportunity to make 800 Rupees and receive all meals. But he has lost his freedom, because of this work. so, he is not happy.

The second part explains the life and aspirations of Mukesh, a boy from a family of bangle makers of Firozabad. This place is famous for its outstanding glass-blowing industry. Nearly 20,000 children are employed in this specific industry. They work in small dark room in front of hot furnaces.  Most of them lost their eyes before reaching adulthood. Additionally, nobody over there is aware of the laws that prohibit child labour.  Furthermore, both the working and housing conditions are terrible. Politicians, middlemen, bureaucrats, and police officers have a nexus that block their progress. The women in the home saw it as their fate. Such reasoning leads them to just accept their condition. Mukesh is distinct in some way. He thinking is different from the others.  In the future, he hopes to work as a mechanic. He lives a long way from the garage, but he is determined to walk there.

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