Infinitive - a form of verb



Definition of Infinitive:

An infinitive is a verb form that is typically preceded by the word "to" and serves as the base or root form of a verb. Infinitives function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs within a sentence, depending on their usage and context.

Forms of Infinitive:

Infinitives can appear in two forms:

  1. To-Infinitive: The to-infinitive consists of the word "to" followed by the base form of the verb. It is commonly used to express purpose, intention, obligation, or future action within a sentence.


  • She likes to read novels in her free time.
  • He needs to finish his homework before dinner.
  • We plan to travel abroad next year.
  1. Bare Infinitive: The bare infinitive is the base form of the verb without the preceding "to." It is used in various grammatical constructions, such as modal verbs, certain auxiliary verbs, and imperative sentences.


  • They can read the instructions before starting.
  • Please sit quietly during the presentation.
  • He must complete the task by tomorrow.

Functions of Infinitives:

 Infinitive verbs serve multiple functions within sentences, including:

  1. Acting as Nouns:
    • To-infinitives can function as nouns, serving as subjects, objects, or complements within a sentence. Example:
    • To study is essential for academic success. (Subject)
    •  He enjoys reading books. (Object)
    •  Her goal is to succeed in life. (Complement)
  2. Acting as Adjectives:

Infinitives can also function as adjectives, modifying nouns to provide additional information about them. Example:

    • She is a person to admire for her perseverance. (Descriptive adjective)
  1. Acting as Adverbs:

Infinitives can function as adverbs, modifying verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to indicate purpose, reason, or result. Example:

    • He worked hard to earn a promotion. (Modifying the verb "worked hard")

Usage of Infinitives:

Infinitives are used in various contexts to convey different meanings.

  1. Expressing Purpose or Intention: Example: She went to the store to buy groceries.
  2. Expressing Obligation or Necessity: Example: You need to complete the assignment by Friday.
  3. After Certain Verbs: Example: They decided to go on a trip.

Exercises for Practice

Exercise 1) Identify the Infinitive Identify the infinitive (to-infinitive or bare infinitive) in each sentence.

  1. She likes to dance in the rain.
  2. He must finish his homework before dinner.
  3. They decided to go on a vacation.
  4. Please sit quietly during the presentation.
  5. Learning to play the guitar requires dedication and practice.

Exercise 2) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the infinitive (to-infinitive or bare infinitive).

  1. I need __________ (study) for the exam tomorrow.
  2. She asked __________ (help) with her homework.
  3. He plans __________ (travel) to Europe next summer.
  4. They want __________ (visit) the museum this weekend.
  5. It's important __________ (exercise) regularly for good health.

Exercise 3) Rewrite each sentence using an infinitive phrase.

  1. She wants to improve her English skills. Rewrite: Her goal is __________.
  2. They need to complete the project by Friday. Rewrite: It's essential for them __________.
  3. He is determined to succeed in his career. Rewrite: He has a strong desire __________.
  4. We plan to visit the new art exhibit. Rewrite: Our intention is __________.
  5. She enjoys reading mystery novels. Rewrite: Her hobby is __________.


Exercise 1:

  1. to dance
  2. to finish
  3. to go
  4. to sit
  5. to play

Exercise 2:

  1. to study
  2. for help
  3. to travel
  4. to visit
  5. to exercise

Exercise 3:

  1. Her goal is to improve her English skills.
  2. It's essential for them to complete the project by Friday.
  3. He has a strong desire to succeed in his career.
  4. Our intention is to visit the new art exhibit.
  5. Her hobby is to enjoy reading mystery novels.

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