Phrases and its types - Exercise 3

 Before doing this exercise you would like to read Phrases and its type

Q)  Underline the phrases in the following sentences and identify their types?

  1. The book on the shelf is a classic of English literature.
  2. The tall, dark-haired man walked briskly down the street.
  3. In the quiet library, she found solace among the dusty shelves.
  4. The old wooden table in the corner of the room creaked loudly.
  5. She spoke softly, with a hint of sadness in her voice.
  6. The small, cozy cafe on the corner serves delicious pastries.
  7. The brightly colored flowers in the garden swayed gently in the breeze.
  8. With great determination, he climbed the steep mountain trail.
  9. The ancient ruins in the desert are a testament to a bygone era.
  10. The beautifully decorated Christmas tree stood proudly in the living room.
  11. The young boy with curly hair eagerly awaited his birthday party.
  12. The meticulously prepared meal on the table looked absolutely delicious.
  13. The brightly lit city streets bustled with activity late into the night.
  14. In the dimly lit room, the shadows danced mysteriously on the walls.
  15. The large, ornate clock in the hallway chimed loudly every hour.



  1. On the shelf → Prepositional phrase (Adverb phrase).
  2. Tall, dark-haired → Adjective phrase.
  3. In the quiet library → Prepositional phrase (Adjective phrase).
  4. In the corner of the room → Prepositional phrase (Adverb phrase).
  5. Softly → Adverb phrase.
  6. On the corner → Prepositional phrase (Adjective phrase).
  7. In the garden → Prepositional phrase (Adjective phrase).
  8. With great determination → Prepositional phrase (Adverb phrase).
  9. In the desert → Prepositional phrase (Adjective phrase).
  10. Beautifully decorated → Adjective phrase.
  11. With curly hair → Prepositional phrase (Adjective phrase).
  12. On the table → Prepositional phrase (Adjective phrase).
  13. Brightly lit → Adjective phrase.
  14. In the dimly lit room → Prepositional phrase (Adverb phrase).
  15. In the hallway → Prepositional phrase (Adjective phrase).

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