Example of debate writing (2)


2. ‘Rising prices can be controlled only by the government.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. (Delhi 2016)

Answer: (In exam write any one of the following answers)

In favour :-

Rising prices are a major concern for any country. They affect the daily lives of people, especially the poor and middle class. Many believe that controlling rising prices can only be done by the government, as it has the power and resources to address the issue.

In favor of this argument, the government has the authority to regulate key economic factors. It can control inflation by adjusting interest rates and managing the money supply. Through these measures, it can stabilize the economy and bring prices down.

The government can also impose price controls on essential goods such as food, fuel, and medicines. By doing this, it ensures that these basic needs remain affordable for everyone, even during times of crisis.

Moreover, the government can take action against hoarding and black marketing. Strict laws and enforcement can prevent unethical practices that drive prices up.

Additionally, the government can provide subsidies to reduce the burden of rising prices on consumers. In conclusion, only the government has the authority and tools to manage the complex factors that cause prices to rise. Therefore, government intervention is crucial in controlling inflation and keeping prices in check.

Thank You!


Rising prices are a serious issue that affects everyone. Many believe that only the government can control rising prices. However, this is not entirely true. Other factors, like market forces and public behavior, also play a big role in controlling prices.

In arguing against the idea, it's important to note that the government cannot control all aspects of the economy. Prices are often driven by supply and demand. When demand is higher than supply, prices rise. Businesses, farmers, and producers also need to take steps to increase production and improve supply. This helps keep prices stable.

Consumers also have a role. If people buy wisely and avoid panic buying, it can prevent unnecessary price hikes. Public awareness and responsible buying habits can help control prices as much as government policies.

Furthermore, global factors, such as oil prices or international trade, impact local prices. The government has limited control over these. Market competition can also lower prices. When businesses compete, they often reduce prices to attract customers.

In conclusion, rising prices are influenced by many factors beyond just government control. The combined efforts of producers, consumers, and market forces are equally important.

Thank You!

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