Example of debate writing (5)


Write a debate either for or against the motion: Hard work, not Intelligence paves the way to success in life. (Comptt. All 2017)

(In exam write any one of the following answers)

In favour:-

The saying "hard work, not intelligence, paves the way to success" highlights the importance of effort in achieving goals. While intelligence is valuable, it is hard work that truly makes a difference.

First, hard work builds skills and experience. People who put in the effort learn more. They become better at their jobs and improve their abilities over time. This leads to success.

Second, hard work shows dedication. Employers value commitment. A person who works hard is often seen as reliable and trustworthy. This can lead to promotions and new opportunities.

Moreover, hard work helps overcome challenges. Life is full of obstacles. Those who are willing to work hard can push through difficulties. They learn resilience and adaptability, which are crucial for success.

Finally, hard work inspires others. When people see someone working hard, they are motivated to do the same. This creates a positive environment that fosters growth.

In conclusion, hard work is the key to success. It builds skills, shows dedication, helps overcome challenges, and inspires others. Intelligence may help, but hard work makes the difference.

Thank you!


The idea that "hard work, not intelligence, paves the way to success" overlooks the role of intelligence. While hard work is important, intelligence plays a crucial role in achieving goals.

First, intelligence allows people to solve problems more effectively. Smart individuals can think critically and make better decisions. This can lead to more successful outcomes without the same level of effort.

Second, not all hard work leads to success. Many people work hard but do not achieve their goals. Sometimes, they lack the knowledge or skills needed to succeed. Intelligence helps in choosing the right strategies and paths.

Moreover, innovation often comes from intelligent thinking. Many successful inventions and ideas arise from creative minds. Hard work alone cannot replace the need for original thought.

Finally, intelligence can help individuals work smarter, not just harder. This can lead to increased efficiency and better results in less time.

In conclusion, while hard work is valuable, intelligence is equally important. Both qualities together create the best chance for success in life. Relying solely on hard work ignores the benefits of intelligence.

Thank you!

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