Debate Writing

1. What is Debate Writing?

Debate writing is the process of preparing arguments for a debate. It helps people express their views clearly and persuasively. In debate writing, you present your side of an issue and support it with facts. You also address opposing views. This helps strengthen your argument.

A typical debate piece has three main parts. First, there is an introduction. It states the topic and your position. Next, the main body presents your arguments. Each argument should be clear and backed by evidence. Finally, the conclusion summarizes your points and reinforces your stance.

Good debate writing requires practice. You need to think critically and anticipate counterarguments. Clarity is key. Use simple language and structure your ideas logically. This makes it easier for your audience to understand. Overall, debate writing is a valuable skill. It improves your ability to communicate and engage with important topics.

2. The Importance of Debate Writing?

Debate writing is a valuable skill. It helps people express their thoughts clearly. It also teaches them to think critically about different issues. The importance of debate writing lies in its ability to develop key skills.

First, debate writing enhances communication skills. It requires writers to present their ideas in a clear and persuasive way. This is important in many areas of life, from school to the workplace.

Second, it encourages research and analysis. Writers must gather facts and understand different viewpoints. This process builds knowledge and helps people become well-informed.

Third, debate writing fosters confidence. Writing and presenting arguments can boost self-esteem. It prepares individuals for speaking in public and defending their ideas.

Additionally, debate writing promotes open-mindedness. Writers learn to consider opposing views. This encourages respectful dialogue and understanding among people with different opinions.

In summary, debate writing is important because it improves communication, research skills, and confidence. It also fosters critical thinking and open-mindedness. These skills are essential for success in many aspects of life.

3.  Format

a)       Formal Address

b)       Introduction: Against or For the motion

c)       Arguments/ Logic ( main body)

d)       Conclusion or final remark.

e)       Thanks

4. Important points

  • Debate must include a Formal Address in the beginning and a Formal Thanks in the end.
  • Argument or logic given must be well organized and relevant to the topic. There should be creativity in presenting the ideas.
  • Logical accuracy, Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words & spelling, Fluency and relevance of ideas and style are utmost important.

5. Some Examples

Question 1.
Write a debate either for or against the motion: ‘Courses in Humanities provide a better scope in career than Sciences’. (Comptt. All India 2017)

Answer: (In exam write any one of the following answers)

In favour of:

In today’s changing world, choosing the right field of study is crucial for future success. I believe that courses in the humanities offer better career opportunities than those in the sciences.

Humanities subjects, like psychology, history, and sociology, teach valuable skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and effective communication. These skills are highly sought after by employers in many industries, including marketing, education, and public relations.

Additionally, as the job market evolves, there is a growing need for adaptable professionals who can understand and solve social issues. While science careers can be rewarding, they are often more specialized and may limit job options. In contrast, a humanities education prepares students for a wide range of roles, making it easier to find fulfilling work in various fields. Overall, humanities courses provide a broader and more flexible career path.

Thank you!

You can also write against the given topic as given below.

 While Humanities courses offer valuable insights into human culture, society, and critical thinking, arguing that they provide better career scope than Sciences overlooks several key factors. The world today is driven by technological advancements, scientific innovations, and the demand for specialized skills, all of which are heavily rooted in science-based education.

First, careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are expanding rapidly, with high demand across industries like healthcare, IT, engineering, and environmental sciences. These fields offer not only a wider range of job opportunities but also higher salaries, job stability, and continuous growth prospects. In contrast, many careers in Humanities often face challenges like lower wages and fewer job openings.

Additionally, the versatility of science degrees allows individuals to branch into various sectors, including research, academia, industry, and government, making the scope broader and more dynamic. The global economy increasingly relies on scientific expertise to solve pressing issues like climate change, healthcare crises, and technological innovation.

While Humanities offer important skills in communication, critical thinking, and creativity, Science courses align more directly with the needs of modern economies and provide better long-term career prospects and growth opportunities.

Thank you!

Question 2.
Some people feel that electronic media (TV news) will bring about the end of print media (newspapers). What are your views on the issue? Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against this view. (All India 2015)

Answer:  (In exam write any one of the following answers)


Some people believe that electronic media (TV news) will bring about the end of the print media (newspaper). I, XYZ, disagree with this view.

The rise of electronic media, especially TV news, has sparked discussions about the future of print media, particularly newspapers. While some argue that the convenience and immediacy of digital formats will render print obsolete, this perspective overlooks several crucial factors that highlight the enduring value of print.

Firstly, print newspapers offer a tactile experience and a sense of permanence that digital formats cannot replicate. Many readers appreciate the ritual of flipping through pages, which can enhance engagement and comprehension.

Moreover, print media provides in-depth analysis that often gets sidelined in fast-paced TV news segments. Newspapers allow for nuanced reporting, investigative journalism, and comprehensive storytelling, which are vital for an informed public.

Additionally, print media has a loyal audience, particularly among older demographics who may not be as comfortable with digital platforms. Even in the age of technology, many people value the reliability and credibility associated with established newspapers.

In conclusion, rather than signaling the end of print media, electronic platforms are more likely to coexist with it, catering to diverse preferences and ensuring that quality journalism continues to thrive in various formats.

Thank you!

You can also write in favour of as given below.

With the rise of electronic media, many people believe that traditional print media, like newspapers, might eventually disappear. TV news, online platforms, and mobile apps have become the primary sources of information for most people. This shift in how we consume news has sparked a debate about whether print media can survive in the digital age.

In favor of the argument that electronic media will lead to the end of print media, it's clear that technology and consumer habits are changing rapidly. TV news and online platforms offer instant access to information, making newspapers seem slow and less relevant. The convenience of electronic media allows people to access news anytime, anywhere, without waiting for the next day's paper.

Moreover, electronic media is more eco-friendly, reducing the need for paper and printing. Advertisers also prefer digital platforms because they offer targeted ads and better tracking. Lastly, the multimedia features of electronic news—such as live videos and interactive elements—provide a richer experience, especially for younger audiences. As technology advances, print media may gradually fade away, replaced by faster, more dynamic electronic news sources.

6. For more examples also see:-

1) ‘The policy of reservation of seats foradmission to the professional courses is good for the deprived sections of society’. Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion.(Delhi 2016)

2) ‘Rising prices can be controlled only by thegovernment.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion.(Delhi 2016)

3) ‘Private cars should be banned in the congestedcommercial areas of the cities/ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for oragainst the motion. (Delhi 2017)

4) Consumerism is increasing day by day. Luxuries of yesterday have become necessities of today. The result is that the more we want the more miserable we become. Write a debate in 150-200 words on ‘The only way to minimise human suffering and pain is to control our needs’. You are Navtej/Navita. (All India 2015)

5) Write a debate either for or against the motion: Hardwork, not Intelligence paves the way to success in life. (Comptt. All India 2017)

6) Write a debate either for or against the motion:Laziness and not bad luck is the only obstacle in one’s success inlife.(Comptt. Delhi 2017)

7) Write a debate either for or against the motion:‘Participation in sports is a mere wastage of time’. (150-200 avoids).

 8) ‘Our large population is not a cause of poverty but anasset, a resource.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against themotion. (Delhi 2017)

9) The government has banned the use of animals in thelaboratories for the purpose of dissection. Write a debate in 150-200words\either for or against this decision. (All India 2015)

10) Migration from villages to cities has led to thespread of urban slums. People living in these slums lead a miserable life.Economic disparity leads to the problems of law and order. Write a debate in150-200 words on ‘Solution to the problem of misery in the urban slums lies increating jobs in the villages’. You are Navtej/Navita. (All India 2015)

8. Here are 20 topics for debate writing practice. 

You should practices in favour of and also

 against each topic.:

  1. Should school uniforms be mandatory?
  2. Is social media more harmful than beneficial?
  3. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  4. Is animal testing justified for scientific research?
  5. Should college education be free for everyone?
  6. Is climate change the biggest threat to humanity?
  7. Should governments regulate junk food advertising?
  8. Is technology making us less human?
  9. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  10. Is homeschooling better than traditional schooling?
  11. Should businesses be required to provide paid parental leave?
  12. Is the current immigration system effective?
  13. Should recreational marijuana be legalized?
  14. Is it ethical to use artificial intelligence in the workplace?
  15. Should the government invest more in renewable energy?
  16. Is online education as effective as in-person education?
  17. Should sports betting be legalized?
  18. Is privacy more important than national security?
  19. Should public libraries be funded by taxpayers?
  20. Is a four-day workweek beneficial for productivity?

These topics can lead to engaging debates and encourage critical thinking!

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