Example of debate writing (8)


‘Our large population is not a cause of poverty but an asset, a resource.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. (Delhi 2017)

Answer: (In exam write any one of the following answers)

In favour:-

The idea that "our large population is not a cause of poverty but an asset, a resource" highlights the potential of human capital. A large population can drive economic growth and development.

First, a big population means a larger workforce. More workers can increase productivity. This can lead to higher output in various sectors, from agriculture to technology.

Second, a diverse population brings different skills and ideas. This diversity fosters innovation. When people from different backgrounds come together, they can create new solutions and products.

Moreover, a large population can attract investment. Businesses often look for areas with a sizable market. A bigger population can mean more consumers, which can encourage companies to invest and create jobs.

Additionally, a youthful population can be a great advantage. Young people bring energy and creativity. They can adapt to new technologies and drive progress.

In conclusion, a large population can be seen as a valuable resource. It can boost the economy, promote innovation, and attract investment. By investing in education and training, we can harness this potential and turn it into prosperity.

Thank you!


The statement "our large population is not a cause of poverty but an asset, a resource" is misleading. A large population can actually contribute to poverty in several ways.

First, overpopulation can strain resources. When too many people compete for limited resources like food, water, and land, it can lead to shortages. This increases the cost of living and makes it harder for families to meet their basic needs.

Second, a large population can lead to high unemployment. If there are not enough jobs for everyone, many people will struggle to find work. This can result in increased poverty and social unrest.

Moreover, inadequate infrastructure can become a major issue. Schools, hospitals, and roads may not keep up with the growing population. This can affect education and healthcare, leading to a less skilled workforce.

Additionally, overpopulation can create environmental problems. More people mean more waste and pollution. This can harm the environment and reduce quality of life.

In conclusion, while a large population has potential benefits, it often leads to significant challenges. Without proper management and resources, it can be a major cause of poverty.

Thank you!

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