Example of debate writing (7)


Write a debate either for or against the motion: ‘Participation in sports is a mere wastage of time’. (150-200 avoids).

Answer: (In exam write any one of the following answers)

In favour:-

The idea that "participation in sports is a mere wastage of time" emphasizes how time could be better spent. While sports can be enjoyable, they often take away valuable time from studies and other important activities.

First, time spent on sports can distract from academics. Students have to balance schoolwork and sports. Many struggle to keep up with their studies while dedicating hours to training or games. This can lead to lower grades and missed learning opportunities.

Second, sports can encourage unhealthy competition. Some individuals become too focused on winning. This can create stress and anxiety. Instead of fostering teamwork, it may lead to negative experiences.

Moreover, sports require financial investment. Families spend money on equipment, uniforms, and travel. This can be a burden for some, diverting funds from essential needs.

Finally, not everyone excels in sports. Many students may feel discouraged or left out if they do not perform well. This can harm self-esteem and motivation.

In conclusion, while sports have their benefits, participation can often be a waste of time. Focusing on academics and personal development is a more productive use of time.

Thank you!


The statement "participation in sports is a mere wastage of time" overlooks the many benefits of sports. Engaging in sports is not just about playing games; it offers valuable life skills and experiences.

First, sports promote physical health. Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight, improves fitness, and reduces the risk of diseases. Staying active is crucial for overall well-being.

Second, sports teach important life skills. Teamwork, discipline, and leadership are all learned through participation. Athletes learn to work with others and develop a strong work ethic. These skills are useful in both personal and professional life.

Moreover, sports provide an outlet for stress. Participating in sports can improve mental health. It allows individuals to release tension and feel more relaxed. This can lead to better focus in studies and work.

Additionally, sports foster a sense of community. Being part of a team creates friendships and connections. This support system can enhance social skills and build confidence.

In conclusion, participation in sports is not a waste of time. It offers numerous physical, mental, and social benefits. Engaging in sports can enrich lives and contribute to personal growth.

Thank you!

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