Example of debate writing (3)


3. ‘Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities/ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. (Delhi 2017)

Answer: (In exam write any one of the following answers)

In favour:-

Congested commercial areas in cities face heavy traffic, pollution, and noise. Many believe that banning private cars in these areas can help solve these problems. This idea has strong support for various reasons.

In favor of banning private cars, it can significantly reduce traffic jams. Commercial areas are crowded with shoppers, workers, and delivery vehicles. When private cars add to this, it causes severe congestion. Without private cars, the roads would be less crowded, allowing essential vehicles to move more easily.

Moreover, banning private cars can lower pollution levels. Fewer cars on the road means less air pollution, which is better for the environment and public health. It can also reduce noise pollution, making the area more pleasant for people.

Another benefit is improved public transport and walkability. When cars are restricted, cities can focus on developing better public transport and creating more pedestrian-friendly spaces. This makes it easier for everyone to get around without the need for private vehicles.

In conclusion, banning private cars in congested commercial areas can lead to less traffic, reduced pollution, and a more efficient and pleasant urban experience.

Thank You!


Congested commercial areas in cities are often busy with traffic, people, and businesses. Some suggest banning private cars in these areas to reduce congestion. However, there are strong arguments against this idea.

Private cars provide convenience and flexibility. Many people rely on their cars to travel quickly and comfortably, especially for work or shopping. Banning cars would make it difficult for them to reach these areas easily. Public transport may not always be reliable or available for everyone.

Additionally, banning private cars could hurt local businesses. Many customers prefer to drive to commercial areas for shopping or dining. If cars are banned, businesses might lose customers who find it inconvenient to visit without their vehicles. This could harm the local economy.

Moreover, private cars are essential for people with special needs, elderly individuals, or those carrying heavy items. For them, public transport may not be a practical option.

In conclusion, while reducing traffic is important, banning private cars in congested areas could cause more inconvenience than benefits. It could harm businesses and limit the mobility of many people. A better solution would be improving traffic management and public transport without banning private cars altogether.

Thank You!

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