Example of debate writing (6)

Write a debate either for or against the motion: Laziness and not bad luck is the only obstacle in one’s success in life.(Comptt. Delhi 2017)

Answer: (In exam write any one of the following answers)

In favour:-

The statement "laziness and not bad luck is the only obstacle in one’s success in life" emphasizes personal responsibility. While some may blame bad luck, laziness often holds people back from achieving their goals.

First, laziness prevents action. People who are lazy do not put in the effort needed to succeed. They procrastinate and miss opportunities. This leads to a cycle of failure.

Second, success requires hard work and dedication. Many successful individuals face challenges. However, they overcome them through consistent effort. Laziness stops people from pushing through difficulties.

Moreover, blaming bad luck can be a way to avoid accountability. It is easy to say that circumstances are against us. In reality, many people have succeeded despite tough situations. They did not let laziness stop them.

Additionally, success often comes from setting goals and working towards them. Lazy individuals may lack motivation and direction. This can result in missed chances and wasted potential.

In conclusion, laziness is a major obstacle to success. While bad luck can happen, it is our effort that truly matters. By overcoming laziness, anyone can find their path to success.

Thank you!



The statement "laziness and not bad luck is the only obstacle in one’s success in life" is too simple. While laziness can hinder success, bad luck plays a significant role in many people's lives.

First, not everyone has the same opportunities. Some face difficult situations beyond their control. Economic challenges, health issues, and family problems can create obstacles that hard work alone cannot overcome.

Second, bad luck can affect decisions and chances. For example, a talented person may apply for a job but not get it due to random circumstances. This has nothing to do with laziness. It is simply bad luck.

Moreover, success often requires support from others. Not everyone has access to mentors or networks that help them succeed. Lack of support can be a bigger barrier than laziness.

Finally, many hardworking individuals still struggle to achieve their goals. They put in effort but face setbacks. This shows that hard work alone is not always enough.

In conclusion, while laziness can be an obstacle, bad luck is also a real factor in success. Life is complex, and many elements contribute to achieving goals.

Thank you!

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