Example of debate writing (1)


1) ‘The policy of reservation of seats for admission to the professional courses is good for the deprived sections of society’. Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. (Delhi 2016)
Answer:   (In exam write any one of the following answers)

In favour:-

The policy of reserving seats for admission to professional courses is a way to ensure equal opportunities for the deprived sections of society. Many people from disadvantaged backgrounds have been historically marginalized and denied access to quality education. This reservation policy helps bridge that gap by giving them a fair chance to compete.

In favor of the policy, it is important to recognize that not everyone starts from the same level in society. Some groups have faced economic, social, and educational challenges for generations. Without reservations, they may struggle to gain access to prestigious courses that lead to better careers. The policy helps uplift these sections by providing them with opportunities that they might not otherwise have.

Moreover, reservation ensures diversity in educational institutions, allowing students from different backgrounds to learn together. This enriches the learning experience for everyone. It also helps build a more inclusive society where everyone has the chance to succeed, regardless of their background.

In conclusion, the reservation of seats for deprived sections is not just a policy of inclusion but one of justice, giving those who have been left behind the opportunity to advance in life.

 Thank You!


The policy of reserving seats for admission to professional courses is meant to help the deprived sections of society. However, there are strong arguments against it, as it may not always lead to the intended results and could create other problems.

One major issue with the reservation policy is that it can compromise merit. Professional courses require a high level of skill and knowledge, and admitting students based on reserved seats rather than merit may result in less qualified professionals. This could affect the quality of professionals in critical fields like medicine and engineering.

Additionally, reservation can create a sense of inequality among students. Those admitted through general seats may feel unfairly treated, which can lead to division and resentment. The policy can also encourage dependency rather than self-reliance, as students may come to rely on reservations instead of striving to compete on equal terms.

Lastly, reservations do not always reach the truly needy. Often, it benefits those who are already somewhat privileged within the deprived sections, leaving the most disadvantaged behind. Therefore, while the policy aims to help, it can sometimes lead to unintended negative consequences.

 Thank You!

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