Class 10 Geography Chapter 1- Resources and Development (Notes)


Class 10 Geography

Chapter 1- Resources and Development





1. Define Resources


A 'Resource' is defined as anything in our environment that can be exploited to meet our needs while also being technologically accessible, economically practical, and culturally acceptable.


2. Classification of Resources


Resources can be classified as:


a)    On the basis of origin – biotic and abiotic

b)    On the basis of exhaustibility – renewable and non-renewable

c)    On the basis of ownership – individual, community, national and international

d)    On the basis of the status of development – potential, developed stock, and reserves.

3. Define following terms

a) Biotic Resources:: These are derived from the biosphere and include life forms such as humans, plants, wildlife, fisheries, and so on.


b) Abiotic Resources:: An abiotic resource is anything composed of nonliving materials such as rocks and dirt.



c) Renewable Resources: Renewable (or replenishable) resources are those that can be replenished or reproduced through physical, chemical, or mechanical processes, such as solar and wind energy, water, forests and wildlife, and so on. Renewable resources can be further classified as continuous or flow.


d) Nonrenewable Resources: These resources are finite. They take millions of years to develop. For example, minerals and fossil fuels.


e) Individual Resources: These are privately owned by individuals. Individual resource ownership encompasses plantations, pasture areas, ponds, agricultural land, wells, and more.

f) Community Resources: These are resources that are shared by all members of the community, such as grazing fields, burial sites, village ponds, public parks, playgrounds, and so on.


g) National Resources: The country's resources, which are held by states and controlled by governments. Minerals, rivers, woods, animals, and the marine region up to 12 nautical miles (22.2 km) from the shore, collectively known as territorial water and its resources.


h) International Resources:Certain resources are overseen by international organisations. For example, oceans larger than 200 nautical miles. No country may use them without the approval of an international body.


i) Potential Resources: These are untapped resources present in a particular region. For instance, the western regions of India, particularly Rajasthan and Gujarat, hold significant potential for the development of wind and solar energy. However, they remain undeveloped as of now.


j) Developed Resources: These are resources that have been assessed, and their quality and quantity have been determined for utilization. The utilization of resources is influenced by technological advancements and their sustainability.


k) Stock: Stock refers to environmental materials with the potential to fulfill human needs, yet lack the necessary technology for utilization. For example, Hydrogen is a valuable energy source, but advanced technology is required to harness its potential.


l) Reserves: Reserves are a subset of the stock that can be used with the appropriate technological expertise but has not been utilized. These reserves can be tapped into to meet future requirements. For instance, water stored in dams, forests, and other water sources represents a reserve that can be utilized in the future.


4. Resource Planning

Planning is widely recognised as the most effective method for maximising resource utilisation. There are areas in India that are wealthy in some resources but impoverished in others. Certain regions can be considered self-sufficient in terms of resource availability, whilst others have acute shortages of vital resources. This demands balanced resource planning on the national, state, regional, and local levels.

5. Resource Planning in India

Resource planning is a complex undertaking that encompasses:

  1. Identifying and cataloging resources throughout the country. This involves gathering data, creating maps, and providing both quantitative and qualitative estimates and measurements of resources.
  2. Formulating a planning framework equipped with the necessary technology, skills, and institutional infrastructure to execute resource development plans effectively.
  3. Aligning resource development strategies with long-term national development objectives.

Since the inception of the First Five Year Plan following independence, India has actively pursued coordinated efforts to realize its resource planning objectives. The mere availability of resources may impede progress without parallel advancements in technology and institutions. Resources, when accompanied by appropriate technological advancements and institutional adjustments, significantly contribute to development.

It is crucial to emphasize resource conservation at various levels to overcome irrational consumption and the over-utilization of resources.


6. Need of development of Resources


Resources play a crucial role in human life; nevertheless, their indiscriminate utilization has given rise to various problems, including:

  1. The concentration of resource control in the hands of a few has led to societal divisions between the rich and the poor.
  2. The excessive consumption of resources to fulfill the greed of a select few individuals.
  3. The widespread environmental issues such as global warming, ozone depletion, pollution, and land degradation that have ensued.

Ensuring a fair and equitable use of resources has become imperative for the long-term well-being and global harmony. However, the unilateral elimination of resources by certain individuals or nations poses a potential threat to the planet. Resource planning is essential for the sustainable coexistence of diverse life forms, and Sustainable Economic Development entails progress that occurs without causing harm to the environment. Development in the present should not compromise the well-being of future generations.


7. Land Resources


The land is a valuable natural resource, but it is a finite property; so, it is critical to use the existing land for a variety of uses while exercising caution. India has a variety of relief features, including mountains, plateaus, plains, and islands.


8. Different uses of land resources


1.    Forests

2.    Land that is not suitable for farming

a)    Barren and Wasteland

b)     Land put out for non-agricultural uses

3.    Fallow lands

4.    Other uncultivated lands which exclude fallow land

5.    Net Sown area


9. Waste land 


Waste land refers to land that has been designated for non-agricultural purposes, such as rocky, arid, and desert regions, highways, trains, and so on. Land degradation occurs when a land resource is used continuously over an extended period of time without suitable management and conservation measures in place.

10. Land Degradation and Conservation

(i) Reasons of land degradtion

a)    deforestation,

b)    overgrazing,

c)    mining, and extraction

(ii) Some methods to resolve land degradation issues:


1.    Afforestation

2.    adequate grazing maintenance.

3.    Planting of plant shelter zones.

4.    Sand dunes are stabilized by the growth of prickly shrubs.

5.    Wastelands must be managed properly.

6.    Mining activity supervision.


11. Soil as a Resource


Soil is the loose surface material that covers most land. It consists of inorganic particles and organic matter. 


(i) Factors responsible for soil formation


a)    Parent rocks

b)    Climate

c)    organisms

d)    topography

e)    Time.


12. Classification of Soils


India possesses a diverse array of environmental characteristics, encompassing varied landforms, climate zones, and types of flora. These factors have played a role in the formation of distinct soil characteristics, including color, thickness, texture, and age. The soils of India can be categorized as follows:


Alluvial Soils:


  1. Widely distributed and significant, covering the entire northern plains and extending into regions like Rajasthan, Gujarat, and the eastern coastal plains.
  2. Deposited by major Himalayan river systems: Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra.
  3. Comprising sand, silt, and clay, alluvial soils are classified based on age into Old Alluvial (Bangar) and New Alluvial (Khadar).
  4. Known for fertility and suitable for crops like sugarcane, paddy, wheat, and pulses.


Black Soil:


  1. Also known as regur soils, ideal for cotton cultivation.
  2. Formed by specific parent rock material and climatic conditions.
  3. Extends southeast along the Godavari and Krishna basins, covering plateaus in Maharashtra, Saurashtra, Malwa, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh.
  4. Composed of fine clayey minerals, renowned for moisture retention.
  5. Rich in nutrients like calcium carbonate, magnesium, potash, and lime.
  6. Found in the Deccan Trap region, characterized by a sticky nature.


Red and Yellow Soils:


  1. Form on crystalline igneous rocks in low-rainfall sections of the Deccan plateau.
  2. Found in regions like Odisha, Chhattisgarh, the southern Ganga plain, and the Piedmont zone of the Western Ghats.
  3. Reddish color due to iron diffusion in crystalline and metamorphic rocks; turns yellow when hydrated.


Laterite Soils:


  1. Develop in tropical and subtropical climates with alternating wet and dry seasons.
  2. Formed through extensive leaching in areas with heavy rainfall.
  3. Mainly deep, acidic (pH 6.0), and low in plant nutrients; found in southern states, the Western Ghats, Odisha, parts of West Bengal, and Northeastern states.
  4. Suitable for tea and coffee cultivation but deficient in humus.


Arid Soils:


  1. Sandy and salty in character, with a red to brown color.
  2. Evaporation occurs rapidly due to dry environments and high temperatures, resulting in a lack of humus and moisture.
  3. Kankar, with rising calcium concentration downwards, occupies the lower layer.


Forest Soils:


  1. Found in hilly and mountainous areas with abundant rainforest.
  2. Valley sides are loamy and silty, while top slopes are coarse-grained.
  3. Soil texture varies based on the alpine environment.
  4. Fertile soils are present in lower valleys, particularly on river terraces and alluvial fans.



13. Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation


Soil erosion is defined as the degradation of the soil cover and subsequent washing away.


Reasons of soil erosion


(i) Human activities


a)    deforestation

b)    overgrazing

c)    building

d)    mining

e)    Defective agricultural techniques


(ii) Natural Factors


a)    wind,

b)    glaciers

c)    water.


14. Define Gullies, Ravine, Sheet erosion, Wind erosion


Running water bursts through the clayey soils, creating deep channels known as gullies. The area has become unsuitable for agriculture and is known as bad land.

Such areas are referred to as ravines in the Chambal basin.

Water can sometimes drain away soil from significant areas of the slope. This is known as sheet erosion.

Wind erosion happens when the wind carries loose soil.

15. Different methods for Soil Conservation


1. Ploughing along contour lines reduces water flow down hills. This is referred to as contour ploughing.


2. Terrace cultivation prevents erosion. This type of farming is employed in the Western and Central Himalayas.


3. When a large field is divided into strips, grass can grow in between crops. This then divides the wind's force. Strip cropping is the name given to this method.


4. Planting tree lines for cover helps stabilise sand dunes in western Indian desert. Shelter Belts are rows of these trees.


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