Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2 – The Tiger King (Kalki) Theme


NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English


Chapter 2 – The Tiger King




About the Author: Kalki Krishnamurthy (1899—1954), known as Kalki, was a Tamil writer, journalist, poet, critic, and Indian independence activist. His extensive repertoire includes over 120 short stories, 10 novelettes, 5 novels, 3 historical romances, editorial and political writings, biographies, travelogues, and numerous film and music reviews. Kalki excels in transporting readers to the era depicted in his stories.

Theme / Central Idea of the Lesson: "The Tiger King" delves into the transient nature of life and power while serving as a satire on those in positions of authority. It exposes how rulers often prioritize frivolous pursuits over public welfare. The narrative reveals the self-serving nature of individuals surrounding those in power who seek personal gain.

Appropriateness of Title: “The Tiger King” aptly encapsulates multiple facets of the story. Firstly, the king's obsession with tiger hunting, his marriage strategy based on tiger-populated territories, and his relentless pursuit of a hundred tigers align with the title. Secondly, the king embodies the ferocity and fierceness of a tiger in his behavior. Lastly, his demise due to a wooden tiger sliver fulfills the prophecy of a tiger causing his death, tying back to the central theme.

Moral/ Message of the lesson: The story's satire underscores how humans have needlessly subjected innocent animals to suffering and death to satisfy personal desires. The Maharaja's relentless tiger-hunting led to the extinction of tigers in certain regions, yet he remained oblivious to the consequences. The narrative emphasizes the primary responsibility of rulers towards the welfare of their citizens.

Important Themes:

Satirical critique of the arrogance of those in power.

Commentary on politicians prioritizing personal gratification over public welfare and governance.

The self-destructive nature of pride and its consequences.

Advocacy for wildlife conservation and the need to protect endangered species.

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