Class 11 English Snapshot Chapter 4 – Birth (A. J. Cronin) Theme


NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English


Chapter 4 – Birth (A. J. Cronin)


The visit to the Morgans left Andrew with a profound sense of exhilaration as he transcended pettiness to respond to the call of duty and successfully accomplished what seemed to be an insurmountable task. Bringing a seemingly lifeless baby back to life not only fulfilled his professional duties but also brought genuine happiness. This experience rekindled Andrew's awareness of his potential as a doctor, someone capable of saving lives and making a meaningful impact.


Completing the task selflessly, with unwavering determination, filled Andrew with a deep satisfaction and happiness that had eluded him before. Despite his exhaustion during the walk back with miners finishing their night shift, Andrew's thoughts echoed, 'I've done something,' realizing the tangible impact he had made. Previous work had left him with a sense of dullness and listlessness, but the challenging task of overcoming obstacles and contributing to the miracle of birth finally made him feel worthy of his life and profession.


The story underscores the importance of persevering and accomplishing tasks, regardless of adversities faced. It emphasizes that only through such perseverance can one realize the true significance of the power at one's disposal. Andrew's ability to rise above personal woes prevented the loss of a life. The narrative highlights the significance of every birth, acknowledging the uniqueness of each individual. It serves as a reminder to appreciate the gifts we possess and to live each day according to our full potential.


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