Class 11 English Snapshot Chapter 2 – The Address (Margo Minco) Summary


NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English


Chapter 2 – The Address (Margo Minco)


Upon ringing the doorbell at Number 46, Marconi Street, where Mrs. Dorling resided, the main character received a chilly reception, and it took Mrs. Dorling a considerable amount of time to recognize her. Mrs. Dorling, under the impression that everyone in the protagonist's family had perished, inquired if there were others accompanying her. Despite the protagonist's request to enter, Mrs. Dorling adamantly refused and suggested a return visit at a later time. Notably, the protagonist identified her mother's green cardigan, worn by Mrs. Dorling.


Contemplating her journey back to the train station, the protagonist reflected on her mother's previous discussions about Mrs. Dorling, an acquaintance who, during the war, would visit their home and safeguard their belongings in case they had to abandon the place. Describing Mrs. Dorling's physical features, the protagonist noted her broad back.


Subsequently, the protagonist decided to reclaim their possessions from Mrs. Dorling's residence. Upon ringing the bell again, she was met by Mrs. Dorling's daughter, who ushered her in and requested her presence in the living room. While traversing the corridor, the protagonist observed their unused Hanukkah candle stand. However, upon entering the living room, the sight of her mother's belongings arranged haphazardly, coupled with unattractive furniture and a musty odor, disheartened her, instilling a desire to depart. Mrs. Dorling's daughter offered tea, and during this interaction, the protagonist noticed the familiar tablecloth with a burn mark.


As Mrs. Dorling's daughter showcased the silverware, which rightfully belonged to the protagonist, she abruptly left the premises. The experience stirred memories of the past, leading her to decide against revisiting the location and ultimately resolving to erase the address from her recollections.

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