Class 11 English Snapshot Chapter 5 – The Tale of Melon City (Vikram Seth) Summary


NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English


Chapter 5 – The Tale of Melon City (Vikram Seth)


The poem commences by portraying the King's directive to construct an arch. When the King rode under the arch, it struck his head, causing his crown to fall due to its low construction. Deeming it dishonorable, the King orders the chief of builders to be executed. The chief shifts the blame to the workmen, who, in turn, attribute the issue to the bricks. The mason, facing execution, accuses the architect. The architect, brought to the Royal Court, indirectly implicates the King in the arch's faulty construction. The initially placid King becomes angry and summons the wisest man in the country, an elderly individual unable to see or walk. According to him, the arch must be hanged. However, a minister protests, arguing that punishing something that touched the King's head would be shameful. The crowd, along with the King, concurs. To appease the restless crowd, the King promises an execution, and a noose is set up. During the measurements, only the King fits the noose, providing relief to the ministers who needed someone to execute. Consequently, following the customary choice, an idiot passing through the City gate suggests a melon as the new King. The melon ascends the throne through a ceremonial process, bringing uninterrupted happiness to the town.

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