Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 3 – Journey to the end of Earth (Tishani Doshi) Summary


NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English


Chapter 3 – Journey to the end of Earth

(Tishani Doshi)


The comprehensive summary of "Journey to the End of the Earth" offers an insightful exploration of Tishani Joshi's travelogue recounting her expedition to Antarctica. Guided by Geoff Green, known for leading educational trips, the author embarks on a voyage aboard a Russian vehicle, delving into the educational depths of the Earth's end. This journey becomes a platform for educational purposes and personal discovery.

Traversing about 100 hours via car, plane, and ship, the author's primary goal is an in-depth comprehension of Antarctica's intricacies. During her two-week stay, she observes the desolate landscape, where 90% of Earth's ice resides, devoid of trees or structures, embraced by constant austral summer light and profound silence.

The narrative delves into historical revelations, exploring the distant past of a unified landmass, Gondwana, existing 650 million years ago, nurturing abundant flora and fauna in a much warmer climate. With Gondwana flourishing for 500 million years before the emergence of human beings, the land eventually fragmented into the countries seen today after the dinosaurs' extinction.

The narrative also delves into the stark reality of climate change, urging a direct visit to Antarctica for a closer examination of its impact. Highlighting Antarctica's ecosystem's low biodiversity, it emphasizes the profound consequences of minimal actions on the environment. The depleting ozone layer's potential impact on sea creatures, birds, and the global carbon cycle is underscored, attributed to contributors like fossil fuel burning.

The author reflects on the fragile balance, exemplified by phytoplankton, warning of the imminent danger posed to human life by the deteriorating quality of Antarctica. The story concludes with the author's contemplation while observing seals basking on ice, pondering whether this beauty will endure or succumb to a catastrophic future.

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