Class 12 English Flamingo Poets and Pancakes ( Summary)


NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English


Poets and Pancakes 



In this narrative, Asokamitran delves into the world of Gemini Studios, shedding light on what keeps it in the public eye. He commences by referencing 'Pancakes,' the renowned makeup brand ordered in abundance by Gemini Studios. He proceeds to highlight the challenges faced by actors and actresses, enduring the glare of numerous lights while preparing in the makeup room. According to him, the makeup department applied copious amounts of makeup to transform them into unrecognizable figures. Surprisingly, he mentions the office boy of the makeup department, whose duty involved hurriedly applying paint to actors' faces during crowd-shooting. This young man, a poet by nature, harbored aspirations of becoming an actor, screenwriter, director, or lyricist, joining the studio with high hopes.

During those days, the author worked within a cubicle, responsible for gathering seemingly inconsequential newspaper clippings—a task often dismissed by others. Consequently, the office boy persistently bothered him with his grievances, attributing his misery to a figure named Subbu, whom he believed had an advantage due to being born a Brahmin. Subbu, a resourceful and loyal individual, was integral to the studio, seemingly tailor-made for the film industry. Despite this, he exhibited a warm hospitality like many others at Gemini Studios, engaging in poetry alongside his work in the story department, which also included a lawyer known for his pragmatic and unbiased nature in a room brimming with dreamers.

Asokamitran then recounts Gemini Studios hosting the Moral Rearmament Army, a group of international performers. Though their narratives lacked complexity, their sets and costumes were impeccably executed. Their influence extended to Tamil plays, shaping the depiction of sunsets and sunrises reminiscent of the 'Jotham Valley' for several years. Subsequently, another visitor, Stephen Spender, graced Gemini Studios. Initially unfamiliar to most due to linguistic barriers, it wasn't until years later that Asokamitran encountered Spender's name in a book, finally recognizing the significance of the visitor.

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