Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 1 – The Third Level Long question answers

 NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English


Chapter 1 – The Third Level

Long question answers

Question 1)  Do you see an intersection of time and space in the story?

Answer. Certainly! Throughout the story, various instances showcase the convergence of time and space. It all begins with the third level, a place that doesn't exist in the current era, yet Charley strongly feels he's present in the third level of Grand Central Station. The vivid descriptions of the station, the ticket counters, the currency, the lighting, the people's attire, facial hair styles, and the newspaper dated 1894 all serve as manifestations of the intersection between time and space. These elements belong to the 1880s and 1890s, while Charley resides in the present, highlighting the clear intersection of time and space.

When Charley attempts to purchase tickets for himself and Louisa on the third level, he encounters currency from an earlier period, further emphasizing the clash of temporal dimensions. Lastly, the letter from 1894, authored by Sam and addressed to Charley, represents yet another instance of the intersection of time and space. Both individuals exist in the present, but the letter itself belongs to the historical time frame of 1894, showcasing this fascinating convergence of temporal realities.

Question 2)   Philately helps keep the past alive. Discuss other ways in which this is done. What do you think of the human tendency to constantly move between the past, the present and the future?

Answer. Philately serves as a means to preserve elements that have vanished from existence, such as letters, currencies, manuscripts, and ancient utensils. Safeguarding and archiving these artifacts in museums contributes to keeping the past vibrant and ensuring the transfer of knowledge to future generations. This practice enables us to glean insights into past actions, our current position, and potential future endeavors. I find it remarkable how human nature seamlessly navigates between the past, present, and future, fostering connections across different temporal realms. There's a profound yearning to understand our origins while aspiring for progress in the future. Exploring our historical background has led to discoveries concerning ancient monuments, ideologies, practices, and lifestyles, enlightening us about our evolutionary journey.

This innate curiosity about both our past and future serves multiple purposes. It aids in averting potential disasters or mitigating their impacts, as exemplified by practices like weather forecasting. This fascination with the past and future offers valuable insights that enable us to prevent calamities or minimize their consequences.

Question 3)  Would Charley ever go back to the ticket-counter on the third level to buy tickets to Galesburg for himself and his wife?

Answer After perusing the story, we discover Charley's keen interest in journeying to Galesburg alongside his wife, Louisa. Despite his initial encounter with the third level, Charley couldn't retrace his steps to find it again. Initially stumbling upon the third level by chance, when he eventually reached the ticket counter, he realized his currency was incompatible, belonging to a different era. In an attempt to secure two tickets to Galesburg, he returned to Grand Central Station after converting his three hundred dollars into the requisite "old-style currency." However, upon his return, the corridor leading to the third level eluded him. Hindered by his wife's mounting concern for his safety, Charley ceased actively searching for the elusive third level after a while.

Question 4)  Apparent illogicality sometimes turns out to be a futuristic projection? Discuss.

Answer The apparent lack of logic in certain ideas can sometimes reveal a visionary aspect. Consider the Wright Brothers' invention of the first airplane: before this, the notion of human flight seemed unimaginable. Similarly, prior to Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone, the concept of real-time long-distance communication was deemed impossible. Furthermore, there exist instances of inventions, like the modern sewing machine with a needle possessing a hole on its seemingly incorrect end, that originated from dreams but are now integral parts of our daily reality.

All these instances highlight how seemingly illogical fantasies at one point can evolve into revolutionary advancements that shape humanity's future. Consequently, it's not implausible to contemplate the concept of railway stations equipped with time-machine devices, enabling travel from one era to another—a potential innovation that might redefine the very notion of time-bound transportation.

Question 5)  Philately helps keep the past alive. Discuss other ways in which this is done. What do you think of the human tendency to constantly move between the past, the present and the future?

Answer In addition to philately, there exist numerous avenues to preserve the essence of the past. Curating historical artifacts, paintings, and inscriptions within museums, collecting and perusing literature (including autobiographies, biographical sketches, letters, and diary entries) spanning different epochs, and engaging with documentaries and visual media are among the diverse methods to revisit history. Furthermore, upholding cultural rituals and traditions, recording memories through videos, photographs, and audio archives, and revitalizing ancient monuments, structures, and artifacts offer invaluable educational experiences for visitors while bolstering tourism.

The human ability to transition between past, present, and future is a profound intellectual asset. This inclination allows individuals to plan for the future by leveraging lessons from the past. For instance, consider the straightforward approach of a student preparing for board exams. Analyzing past performance (such as class tests or mid-year exams), the student devises a strategy to focus on weaker areas, aiming for improved future results. Consequently, this proclivity aids in acknowledging the consequences of pivotal decisions made at any juncture and facilitates learning from them.

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