Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5 – Silk Road (Nick Middleton) Short Question Answers


NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English


Chapter 5 – Silk Road (Nick Middleton)

Short Question Answers


Question 1:

What farewell gift did Lhamo present to the author upon leaving Ravu, and what reason did she provide for it?



Lhamo gave the author a long-sleeved sheepskin coat as a farewell gift when he was departing from Ravu. She explained that he would require warmer clothing as he headed towards Mount Kailash.


Question 2:

What motivated the author to visit Mount Kailash?



The author desired to visit Mount Kailash to complete his 'kora,' a pilgrimage, possibly for academic reasons. He wished to experience this pilgrimage in his life and preferred to undertake it in the company of a devout believer.


Question 3:

What are the wild ass called in Ravu?



The wild ass in Ravu is referred to as 'kyang,' likely a Tibetan term. These kyangs roam in large herds, galloping across the arid plains of Ravu.


Question 4:

How did the sheep react upon seeing the vehicle?



The sheep would take evasive action upon encountering the speeding vehicle, veering away to avoid any potential collision.


Question 5:

How did the Tibetan mastiffs behave upon seeing the car?



The Tibetan mastiffs, being strong, huge, and sturdy, displayed an offensive and attacking response upon seeing the car. They swiftly identified the vehicle and charged towards it, pursuing it fearlessly for a hundred meters or so.


Question 6:

What change did the author observe as they approached the rocky area?



As they moved towards the rocky area, the ride became bumpier, and the atmosphere grew colder. The author experienced pressure building up in his ears, and his nasal passage felt blocked. Upon opening the car door, cold air rushed in.


Question 7:

How was the author's ride up the mountainous trail?



The author's ascent was challenging. The trail was narrow and rocky, with ice blocking their path, making the ascent difficult. The higher they climbed, the colder it became. At elevations of 5,400 meters and above, the author struggled with sleepless nights due to a cold-stricken blocked nose.


Question 8:

What was the highest point of the author's ascent, and what did the team do there?



The highest point was at an elevation of 5,515 meters. There, they encountered a large cairn of rocks adorned with white silk scarves and ragged prayer flags. Following tradition, they circled the cairn in a clockwise direction.


Question 9:

When did Daniel part ways with the author?



Daniel left the author after the team completed the round at the highest point of their ascent, which was at an elevation of 5,515 meters in Hor. He returned to Lhasa in a truck.


Question 10:

Where was Hor situated?



Hor was situated at an elevation of about 5,000 meters, on the shore of Lake Mansarovar, Tibet's revered body of water.


Question 11:

What was the belief associated with Lake Mansarovar?



Lake Mansarovar was considered the most venerated water body in Tibet. According to ancient Hindus and Buddhists, it was the origin of four great Indian rivers: the Indus, the Ganges, the Satluj, and the Brahmaputra.


Question 12:

Describe the author's experience at Hor.



The author found the village of Hor to be unimpressive, with minimal vegetation and an abundance of dust, dirt, rubbish, and rocks. It appeared grim and miserable, with accumulated garbage over the years. The author spent the first night in a state of sleeplessness due to a cold and chest heaviness, enduring sinus congestion and an odd sensation in his chest.


Question 13:

What significant drawback did Darchen possess?



Darchen was perceived as a relaxed and unhurried town by the author, and this was considered a significant drawback. Additionally, it was an off-season for pilgrims, and the author had arrived too early, leaving him with no option but to wait. This lack of activity made the place seem more uninteresting.


Question 14:

What were Norbu's feelings upon meeting the author?



Upon noticing an English novel in the author's hands, Norbu couldn't help but inquire if the author was English. Later, as the author explained his reason for being in Darchen, Norbu's eyes filled with joy. He felt immensely delighted upon discovering that the author was also an academic.

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