Class 11 English Snapshot Chapter 5 – The Tale of Melon City (Vikram Seth) Word Meaning


NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English


Chapter 5 – The Tale of Melon City (Vikram Seth)

Word Meaning

  1. Against the Crown- questioning the power, integrity and honesty of the state
  2. Arch- a curved symmetrical structure spanning an opening and typically supporting the weight of a bridge, roof, or wall above it.
  3. Counsel- advice, especially that given formally
  4. Decree- an official order that has the force of law
  5. Edify- instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually
  6. Frown- a facial expression indicating disapproval, displeasure, or concentration, characterized by a furrowing of one’s brows.
  7. Gallows- a structure, typically of two uprights and a crosspiece, for the hanging of criminals
  8. Just- based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair
  9. Laissez faire- the policy of leaving things to take their own course, without interfering
  10. Masons- a person skilled in cutting, dressing, and laying stone in buildings
  11. Mused- say to oneself in a thoughtful manner
  12. Noose- a loop with a running knot, tightening as the rope or wire is pulled and used to trap animals or hang people 
  13. Ordain- order (something) officially
  14. Placid- calm
  15. Proclaim- announce officially or publicly
  16. Quivering- trembling or shaking with a slight rapid motion
  17. Rejoice- feel or show great joy or delight
  18. Reverently- with deep and solemn respect 
  19. Saw red- became angry
  20. Scaffold- a raised wooden platform used formerly for the public execution of criminals. 
  21. Span- Celebrating or commemorating a victory
  22. Thoroughfare- a main road in a town
  23. Triumphally- Celebrating or commemorating a victory
  24. Unruly- disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control

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