Class 11 English Snapshot Chapter 4 – Birth (A. J. Cronin) Summary


NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English


Chapter 4 – Birth (A. J. Cronin)


The lesson commences with Andrew heading home after an unpleasant encounter with his girlfriend, Christine. Upon reaching home around midnight, he encounters Joe Morgan waiting outside. Joe and Susan are anticipating the birth of their child. Joe, too anxious to go inside, briefs Andrew on the situation. Andrew enters alone, realizing there is some time before the delivery. Susan's wise but tense mother offers him tea. During this moment, Andrew contemplates his relationship with Christine, reflecting on the challenges faced by his friends in their own relationships. Despite these challenges, he envisions marriage as a peaceful and joyful union, creating an internal conflict.


Susan's mother shares Susan's concern due to the complexity of the situation. After the delivery, the child is born lifeless. Faced with the dilemma of attending to the child or the unconscious mother, Andrew prioritizes Susan. He administers medication, strengthens her weakening heart, and then turns his attention to the lifeless child. Realizing it's a case of restricted oxygen supply, he instructs the nurse to bring hot and cold water.


Though initially reluctant, the nurse complies, and Andrew proceeds to immerse the child alternately in hot and cold water. Despite everyone losing hope, Andrew persists in his efforts. Finally, the child heaves and takes a breath. The once lifeless body now shows signs of vitality, surprising everyone. The nurse utters prayers while cradling the child, and the grandmother also prays, while Susan remains unconscious. Exhausted but fulfilled, Andrew departs, assuring Joe that all is well. Walking home around five in the morning, Andrew's heart is filled with a sense of accomplishment, having realized something substantial in his life.

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