Class 11 English Snapshot Chapter 2 – The Address (Margo Minco) Theme


NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English


Chapter 2 – The Address (Margo Minco)


The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of the challenges faced during the pre-War and Post-War periods. Mrs. S, a wealthy Jewish woman, and Mrs. Dorling, a non-Jewish acquaintance, play central roles in the story. The protagonist, Mrs. S's daughter, faced significant losses during the war, losing both her home and her mother. Now, with the intention of reclaiming her possessions, she returns to Mrs. Dorling, whose address was provided by her mother years ago.


Upon reaching Mrs. Dorling's house, the protagonist encountered a chilly reception from the woman, who denied her entry. Undeterred, she decided to leave but serendipitously encountered Mrs. Dorling's daughter, who welcomed her inside and asked her to wait. As the protagonist surveyed the amassed possessions, a disconnection became apparent, leading her to decide to leave the house without reclaiming the items.

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