Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 4 – The Enemy Word meaning


NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English


Chapter 4 – The Enemy

Word meaning




Absolute state: a state run by kings having total powers

Amazement: surprise

Anatomy: the branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms, especially as revealed by dissection and the separation of parts.

Anesthetic: a substance that induces insensitivity to pain

Assassins: professional killers

Assuage: decrease, reduce

Battered: torn and worn out

Beachcomber: a vagrant who makes a living by searching beaches for articles of value and selling them

Blond: of light colour

Boughs: branches of trees

Briskly: quickly

Cardinal: basic, first

Chilled: freeze due to cold weather

Chrysanthemum: a flower 

Compelled: forced

Concise: short

Contemptuously: disrespectfully

Conviction: firm belief

Courteously: politely

Crimson: bright red colour

Crouched: sit in a squatting position

Dereliction: failure to perform one’s duty

Despised: hated

Dismayed: shocked

Eaves: part of the roof that meets or overhangs the wall of a building

Ebbing: decreasing gradually

Fathom: a unit of measuring the depth of the sea.

Fierce: dangerous

Fluttered: trembled

Fortifying: putting security at a place

Gasping: struggling to breathe, unable to speak

Gaunt: gloomy, weak

Gay: happy

Gripping: holding tightly

Haggard: looking exhausted and unwell, especially from fatigue, worry, or suffering.

Heedlessly: carelessly

Hesitated: paused in indecision before saying or doing something.

Hypodermic: needle, syringe, injection

impulsively: to do something suddenly without thinking

Incisions: surgical cuts

Indispensable: necessary

Kerchief: square piece of cloth

Kimono: a traditional Japanese garment.

Knelt: sat on her knees

Leaned: bent forward

Marred: spoiled

Menace: danger, threat

Moaned: a low cry in pain

Moaned: made low, soft sounds due to pain

Muttered: spoke

Nodded: lower and raise one’s head slightly and briefly, especially in greeting, assent, or understanding, or to give someone a signal.

Paid no heed: did not pay attention to

Pallor: an unhealthy pale appearance

Patriotism: love for one’s country

Peculiar: strange

Piteously: causing you to feel sad and sympathetic

Porcelain: a white vitrified translucent ceramic also called China used for making utensils, pottery, etc.

Prick: slightest amount

Probed: searched

Quivered: shivered, trembled

Refrain: a sound that is repeated time and again

Retching: vomiting

Rugs: blanket

Rustling: the sound made by footsteps

Saturate: wet

Scars: marks

Sea moss: a kind of seaweed

Shaggy: hairy

Slatternly: dirty, untidy

Solemn: serious and concerned

.Spiked: covered with sharp points

Staggered: walk unsteadily as if about to fall

Stanch: stop or restrict (a flow of blood) from a wound.

Sterilized: disinfected

Stoop: bend forward

Stout: fat, big

Strewed: to be scattered untidily over a place or area

Stubbly: unshaven, bearded

Stubbornness: firm determination

Stupor: a state of unconsciousness

Submerged: here, sink into the sea

Superstitious: irrational beliefs

Tended: cared for, looked after

Thrust: pushed

Timid: showing lack of courage or confidence

Traitor: a person who betrays his country

Twig: branch of tree

Twilighted: at the time of twilight i.e. sunset or sunrise.

Unaccustomed labour: not used to perform hard work 

Vial: a small container, typically cylindrical and made of glass, used especially for holding liquid medicines.

Vitality: energy, life

Weary: tired

Wistaria wine: a flowering plant used for decoration

Yonder: at some distance in the direction pointed at

Zeal: great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective

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