Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 5 – Should Wizard Hit Mommy Word meaning


NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English


Chapter 5 – Should Wizard Hit Mommy

Word meaning




Agitation: anxiety or nervous excitement.

Apprehensive: fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

Astounded: shock or greatly surprise.

Awful: very bad or unpleasant.

Celery: a cultivated plant of the parsley family

Cranky: bad-tempered; irritable.

Crick: A small river.

Curtly: rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner

Emphasis: special value given to something.

Fatiguing: cause (someone) to feel exhausted.

Foreseen: be aware of beforehand

Fright: a sudden intense feeling of fear.

Fuss: to show excessive excitement

Futile:  pointless.

Gingerly: in a careful or cautious manner.

Grin: smile broadly.

Heave: produce a sigh.

Magic Spell: a form of words used as a magical charm.

Nap: a short sleep, especially during the day.

Pretense: an attempt to make something that is false, to appear true.

Rapped: strike (a hard surface) with a series of rapid audible blows, especially in order to attract attention.

Rapt: completely fascinated or absorbed by what one is seeing or hearing.

Relapsed: return to a less active or a worse state.

Rite: a social custom, practice, or conventional act.

Rumbled: make a continuous deep sound.

Shone:  past participle of shine.

Skittered: move lightly and quickly

Skunk: A small cat sized animal.

Solemnly: with deep sincerity.

Spank: slap with one’s open hand

Stinky: having a strong or unpleasant smell.

Stroking: move one’s hand with gentle pressure 

Supper: an evening meal, typically a light or informal one.

Swamp: an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects; a bog or marsh.

Tensely: unable to relax because of nervousness, anxiety, or stimulation.

Tiptoed: walk quietly

Underbrush: shrubs and small trees

Weariness: extreme tiredness

Wizard a man who has magical powers.

Woodland: land covered with trees.

Zest:  great enthusiasm and energy.

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